Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

were sent around the farm with torches and maps doing all sorts of weird things. We had to climb through dark tunnels with cobwebs and spiders everywhere among other things. All around the farm we met strange creatures … 2 . They were, of course, our guides. … 3 , blindfolded and bundled into vans, and then they drove us round the farm only to set us free in the darkest place there. This time without torches we were trying to get back to the camp … 4 . During this whole night-time experience we were constantly followed and watched, … 5 . We had the feeling that every monster possible was out there to scare us. The horror trip ended when they took us back to our tents at 2:30 in the morning. … 6 After only an hour’s sleep I woke up scared to death as I heard a voice screaming close to my ear – and this did the trick. This time I was really frightened as I had never been before. However, the next morning, everything was back to normal. The farmer who runs this show told us that he had to turn to something new … 7 . This was the reason to come up with this new idea of a live horror experience. So if your daily life has not provided enough horror for you yet, go and visit. A and helped us when we got lost 0 E✔ B but – believe me – that was far from easy 1 C At some point we were kidnapped by members of the Horror Camp team 2 D when he realised that he could not earn enough money for his family with traditional farming 3 E so we went online and placed our booking 4 F But the night was not over yet. 5 G who told us tales of horror 6 H when his wife got a new job at the local bank 7 I sometimes even attacked by strange creatures of all sorts J After dinner we were watching a horror film Horror holidays: What’s your view? a) In pairs, discuss whether you would like to go on a holiday like that. Give reasons for your opinion. b) Present your partner’s views to the class. Activities for thrill-seekers On the internet, various companies offer adventurous free-time activities. Rank the following activities from 1–6, starting with the one that would be most exciting for you. Then discuss your ranking in pairs. At the end talk about your most exciting activity in class. / 3 4 go rock climbing have dinner in the dark go bungee jumping go tandem parachute jumping go on a helicopter flight go deep-sea diving 35 40 45 50 55 35 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv