Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

3 The trip of a lifetime Before you read Use the model diagram below and make a mind map of things you expect from a holiday. Use the word bank if you like and include the following aspects: • accommodation • attractions • activities • food Reading: A night to remember Read the text about a horror camp. Some parts are missing. Choose the correct part (A–J) for each gap (1–7). There are two extra parts that you should not use. Write your answers in the boxes provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. This was certainly a trip to remember: A holiday experience at a working dairy farm near Blackburn, which they sell under the telling name Horror Live Camp. We have been horror fans all our lives so we just had to try out if the camp was really as frightening as it sounded, … 0 On arrival we saw that the Horror Camp team had already put up the guest tents around a huge campfire in the farm’s large parkland. A team member welcomed us with the words, “You have come here to experience real horror.” Then he asked us to briefly introduce ourselves, before we were having dinner with the other horror fans. … 1 to get into the right mood, but actually everyone just wanted to get on with the real programme: Being scared by strangers in makeup. Eventually, as night fell, the games began. Far from the nightmare I had been expecting, the evening was just exciting, even funny at the beginning. We Word bank hotel • campsite • bed and breakfast • Airbnb • youth hostel • private accommodation • sight • place of interest • museum • concert • theatre • fair • movie • theme park • sport • sightseeing • relaxing • reading • partying • restaurant • café • snack bar • bar • disco • selfcatering • fast food • local food • barbecue • farmers’ market • shop W 1 sports accommodation activities holidays 2 5 10 15 20 25 30 34 Travelling the world Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv