Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

Goals • Cope with emergency situations. • Complain respectfully. • Describe past events and personal experiences. • Give recommendations. “Jobs fill your pockets; adventures fill your soul.” Speaking – Individual long turn: A trip in pictures Use some of these or your own pictures and give a five-minute talk about a trip you made in which you • describe what the pictures show, • give information about your trip (type of holiday/trip, accommodation, location, time/season, people you went with, food, …), • explain what happened during your stay. 3 “All time classic” Greece “Beats to your rhythm” Argentina “A spirit of its own” Scotland “Powered by nature” Norway “Be our guest!” Turkey Useful phrases Last year we went on holiday to … . • Our main activity was … . • We went there by plane/boat/train/ car/bike/… . • We stayed in a hotel/caravan/tent/ youth hostel/bed and breakfast/motel/… . • … is typical of this country. • The people there are … . • We go there every year. • I went there for the second time. • One day my brother/sister/mother/… had an accident/got sick/got lost/missed the bus/train/ plane. • The plane was late. • I met a cute boy/girl. • The food was … . • The food did not agree with me. P 33 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv