Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

2 Reading: Book review The Giver Read the book review about The Giver. Complete the sentences (1–6) using a maximum of four words. Write your answers in the spaces provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. The Giver was published in 1994. Since then, it has been read in many classrooms around the world. It is certainly one of the best children’s books written in the last fifty years. Lois Lowry wrote this book for a younger audience. Still, it has captured the attention of readers of all ages. This is mostly due to its engaging storyline and the many topics it deals with. The book’s protagonist is Jonas. He lives in a world where everyone does the same thing at the same time in their lives. Everything is planned to the finest detail. All children receive the same presents on the same birthdays. You can tell how old someone is by their clothing and hairstyles. Everyone knows their place. There are rules, so many rules, which allow society to live without pain, misery or conflict. Everybody agrees to these rules – everybody but Jonas. He is selected to be the Receiver of Memory. This position is given out only once every few generations. He has to store all the memories of the past which the rest of society no longer have to think about. But Jonas questions his role from the start. He does not think it is right. He thinks it is wrong to keep memories of snowfall and sunshine from people, now the world has lost its changing climate. The Giver is an original and well-crafted dystopia. Although it takes part in a fantasy world, parts of it are familiar to us: parents and children living together in their homes, going to school and work during the day. It is a wonderful book that makes you question what you know and accept to be true and correct in the world. 0 The Giver was first … . published in 1994 ✔ 1 Not only young people read this novel, but … . 2 The book is about a boy called … . 3 He lives in a world with a lot of … . 4 Jonas is given a very special … . 5 He is the only one who can remember things like … . 6 The book takes part in a … . 1 ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➄ I can scan longer texts in order to locate desired information, and gather information from different parts of a text, or from different texts in order to fulfil a specific task. (B1) Now you can • Talk about features of a social networking site. • Talk about other people’s personal qualities. • Talk about yourself, your strengths/weaknesses and your plans for the future. • Write a formal e-mail. • Talk about future events. Self-evaluation Tick the buttons on the scale to evaluate your language skills. ➀ I can do it easily and correctly. ➁ I can do most of it but I am not fully sure. ➂ I need to have a look at some things again. ➃ I should go over the whole chapter again. ➄ I need to ask my teacher for help. If you do the tasks again at a later stage, you can add a tick to show your progress. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 30 It’s my life Check-out Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv