Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

Focus on language Reading Writing Vocabulary Grammar • Reading for gist • Reading for detail • A poster • A text for a website • Countries and languages • Language skills • Language biography • Diagrams • Present forms • A questionnaire • Reading for detail • Reading a story • Finding conjunctions • A formal e-mail (presenting yourself) • A webpage (presenting yourself) • An answer to a posting • Networking • Conjunctions • Future forms • Reading for detail • Reading for gist • A recommendation for a restaurant • An e-mail of complaint • Travelling • Food and menus • Ordering take-away food • Emergencies • Shopping • Past forms • Past vs. present perfect forms • Present perfect progressive + since/for • Past vs. past perfect forms • Reading for detail • Reading for gist • A poster: Working for charity • A blog comment on doing charity work • A text for a website • Spare time activities • Sports • Unusual hobbies • Comparison of adjectives • Modifying comparatives and superlatives • Reading for detail • Skills training: Skimming and scanning • Predicting • Skimming for information • Scanning for detail • Dealing with information from the internet • A poster: How to deal with fake news • A blog comment on a TV show • A text about taking part in a strange reality TV show • A blog comment on the future of education • The media • Fake news • Expressions for TV shows • Agreeing and disagreeing • Modal verbs How to use a learning journal For some tasks you will need a learning journal. A learning journal can be a notebook or a set of index cards, but don’t just copy and paste on the computer. It should help you to memorise what you want to remember. You can add any items you want – also things which you have come across during your spare time activities, e.g. when you surf the net or when you read something interesting. Design your learning journal as you wish – whatever you think appropriate is right. 3 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv