Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

0 On Instagram, many teens get in touch … . with their friends ✔ 1 On Instagram, people like to share … . 2 Anyone can see photos or videos on Instagram, even if they are not … . 3 On Instagram, you can not only post your own photos or videos, but you can learn a lot about anything … . 4 For some people, Instagram becomes the most important thing in their lives, so that they have problems … . Talking about the text: Instagram and teenagers Read the article about Instagram again and add alternative headlines to each paragraph. The highlighted words below may help you. You don’t have to use all the words. favourite danger benefit downside positive negative Writing: Your Instagram bio Nearly every social media platform allows users to write a “bio” as a part of their profile. On most platforms all parts of this bio including the image are public, even though you may have a private account. a) Have a look at the sample Instagram bio and the tips to create a good, and safe, bio for yourself. b) What can you find out about Jessie? c) Has Jessie followed all the tips? Which information might be problematic and why? d) Design a similar bio for yourself. You don’t have to do this on your computer, you can design your page on a sheet of paper, too. e) Scan this page with the QuickMedia app and watch the video. Then do the extra tasks. 3 4 Tip • When you’re posting something online, always think about who will see your posts in the future. If you want to get a job later, employers love to check candidates’ social profiles. • Use an image of something that reflects what you like. You’re into football? Why don’t you use a picture of the ball – or how about ballet? You might take an image of ballet shoes. • Keep personal information like your full name, your location or your e-mail address to yourself. • Never forget that your parents or a teacher might see your profile. If you’re not sure about posting something, it probably means you shouldn’t. T ... Follow world_of_jessie_sabki G+ 237 Posts 1,641 Followers 895 Following Jessie Sabki August 8th 175 cm Loooove milk Life = family Jena High School Music addict School sleeper Broken hearted There is no planet B Message oebv_230412_instagram_screen_jessie_2.indd 1 12.04.2023 12:00:25 v02 25 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv