Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

2 Talking about the future Remind yourself of the forms. First look at the information in the grammar box. Then read the dialogue and find examples of how to talk about the future. Explain why the different tenses are used in the dialogue. Use the explanations from the box. Naomi’s sister Lucy, a college student, wants to earn some money. Lucy: H ey, Naomi, have you heard my news? Naomi: N o, but I can see you’re going to tell me! So go on. Lucy: W ell, I phoned about a Saturday job in a shoe shop, and I’m going for an interview with the manager tomorrow! Naomi: O h, that’s cool. Well, good luck! Lucy: Thanks. The interview starts at 9:45. I don’t expect it’ll take too long. Naomi: W hat stuff are you going to wear? Lucy: W ell, I thought – er – your new skirt? Please, Naomi! It’ll be good for you, too, if I get the job. You won’t have to pay so much for your shoes! Speaking: Say what Naomi is doing next week. a) Use Naomi’s notes to give the information. Example: On Monday she is having her hair cut. Her appointment is at 4:30. b) Pair work: What arrangements do you and your partner have for next week? Ask and answer questions. 1. Are you going anywhere special next week? 2. What are you doing after school on … ? 3. What time does/is … ? 1 Grammar For more details see  G 2 Future forms • “will” future: for predictions, assumptions and expectations, for formal announcements and future decisions (e.g. for offering or asking for help) In ten years, we will only use electric cars. (prediction) The parcel will probably arrive before Tuesday. (expectation) The concert will end at ten to ten. (formal announcement) Don’t worry, I’ll do the shopping today. (offering help) • “going to” future: for plans or when it is already clear what is going to happen I’m going to see the doctor on Monday. I hope she can help me. (plan) Feeling the wind blow like this, we are going to have a very cold night. (It is clear it is going to happen.) • present progressive: for arranged activities I’m leaving tomorrow – first thing in the morning. • present simple: for arranged events (e.g. timetable information) The train leaves tomorrow at ten. G 2 Wed 11:15 interview Peterborough Regional College Phone personal adviser Fri Hair appointment Mon 4:30 Tues geog. project presentation! Volleyball Thurs after school Sat 12:40 meet Granddad at station Charity walk Sun – start outside sports centre 10 a.m. 22 It’s my life Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv