Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

V 4 to compete against others If you want to find a job, you’ll have to compete against others. mit anderen in Konkurrenz treten monetary award There is a monetary award for the most innovative business idea. Geldpreis scholarship You should really apply for a scholarship. Stipendium to beware of Beware of my mother, she can be quite grumpy. sich hüten vor entry fee Is there an entry fee for the competition? Teilnahmegebühr to trick Two false policemen tricked their way into the home of an 82-year-old woman. hereinlegen prestigious [presˈtɪdʒəs] The Oscar is the most prestigious film award. prestigeträchtig submission Don’t forget to read our guidelines for submission. Einreichung to proofread Could you proofread my application letter, please? Korrektur lesen to submit Submit your suggestion by clicking on the green icon. einreichen to discard My teacher doesn’t like people who discard traditional values. verwerfen to be happy to discuss I’m happy to discuss this matter further after lunch. gerne besprechen trophy [ˈtrəʊfɪ] This is the only trophy I’ve ever won for skiing. Trophäe apart from Apart from that, we simply cannot pay for it. abgesehen von financial support Financial support is available for families in need. finanzielle Unterstützung engaged in Both players were engaged in the most important match of their lives. beschäftigt mit 5 to narrate [nəˈreɪt] The stories are interesting and well narrated. erzählen public reading Mum has a public reading in the library tomorrow. öffentliche Lesung Conditional clauses 1 to return a book to the library If I don’t return the book to the library today, I’ll have to pay a fine. ein Buch in die Bibliothek zurückbringen in time Gardeners will have got all their new trees in the ground just in time for spring. rechtzeitig extra fee Will there be an extra fee to book a table? extra Gebühr 2 to give advice on A doctor can give you advice on how to stop smoking. Rat zu … geben 3 to be completely into sth. Ron is completely into basketball. I’ll surprise him with two tickets for the finals. etw. sehr gerne mögen, sich sehr für etw. interessieren The paperless book 1 to be restricted to The race is normally 22 miles but was restricted to 20 miles this year because of the weather. beschränkt sein auf gadget [ˈgædʒɪt] This is a seriously desirable gadget that lets you leave the laptop at home. Apparat, Gerät 3 to purchase [ˈpɜːtʃəs] Where can we purchase train tickets? kaufen to become outdated For some people writing letters has become outdated. veralten to keep up to date In order to keep up to date, I check my e-mails often. auf dem Laufenden bleiben to scribble I’ll scribble your number on the back of the receipt. kritzeln annotation Please make annotations in the margin. Anmerkung take-off Passengers are requested to remain seated during take-off and landing. Start (eines Flugzeugs) limitation This is a great phone, but it has its limitations. The battery only lasts for two days. Einschränkung Check-out 1 to participate in Would you like to participate in our survey? teilnehmen an animated We had an animated discussion after the film. lebhaft 3 librarian [laɪˈbreərɪən] The librarian might tell you more about new books. Bibliothekar/in student representative Student representatives speak on behalf of the pupils. Studentenvertreter/in to collate [kəˈleɪt] The system is used to collate information. zusammenstellen to summarise sth. Who can summarise chapter 2 for the class? etw. zusammenfassen 4 only child An only child doesn’t have any brothers or sisters. Einzelkind to get on sb.’s nerves My brother always gets on my nerves. jmdm. auf die Nerven gehen to collapse The roof collapsed due to the large amount of snow. einstürzen cardboard I keep all my photographs in this nice cardboard box. Karton junk He opened the door and found an attic full of junk. Schrott 190 Vocabulary Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv