Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

appreciation [əˌpriːʃɪˈeɪʃn] In every relationship it is important to show one’s appreciation for each other. Verständnis, Wertschätzung, Anerkennung ludicrous [ˈluːdɪkrəs] The situation was so ludicrous that we just didn’t know whether we should laugh or cry. lächerlich, absurd, grotesk guilt He had killed eight people but you couldn’t see any feelings of guilt in his face. Schuld, Schuldgefühl in the twinkling of an eye He changed his expression in the twinkling of an eye. im Nu/Handumdrehen 3 (over)protective (Over)protective parents hardly let their kids do anything on their own. (über)fürsorglich 4 to make sure Please make sure that you’ve locked the door when you leave. sich vergewissern, sichergehen 5 point of view Your point of view is your way of seeing things. Einstellung, Standpunkt The Stolen Generations 1 to apologise [əˈpɒlədʒaɪz] If you apologise you say sorry to someone. sich entschuldigen foster parents Tom’s foster parents meant a lot to him. Pflegeeltern to assimilate sb. The schools were set up to assimilate native children into Canadian society. jmdn. integrieren to abuse In former times, many children were abused in children’s homes. missbrauchen misery Too much misery has already been caused by this war. Elend despair She was weeping in despair at her son’s funeral. Verzweiflung to wipe out Dinosaurs were wiped out millions of years ago. auslöschen cedar Our house is surrounded by big cedar trees. Zeder crook A crook is a dishonest person who steals things. Gauner/in to decline India’s tea exports declined 21.4% in August. abnehmen, nachlassen to deceive sb. A crook deceived my mum and stole her purse. jmdn. täuschen, betrügen to disclaim sth. Mr Turner disclaimed having done something wrong. etw. abstreiten to regain sth. We have regained our leading position. etw. wiederbekommen Wordwise 1 indigenous [ɪnˈdɪdʒɪnəs] The Native Americans are the indigenous population of the US. einheimisch 2 prefix A prefix is added before the first syllable of a word. Vorsilbe to disown [dɪˈsəʊn] Lord Capulet threatened to disown his daughter Juliet. jmdn. verstoßen outcry When the company was closed, there was a public outcry. Aufschrei 3 supporting actress As the best supporting actress she got the Oscar. Nebendarstellerin all walks of life At the opening there were people from all walks of life. aus allen Lebensbereichen to name but a few There were players from England, France, Spain and Italy to name but a few. um nur einige zu erwähnen First time in “Oz” penal colony [ˈpiːnl ˈkɒlənɪ] White Australia began as a penal colony. Strafkolonie shipload Did you read the article about the shipload of Africans trying to cross the sea to Europe? Schiffsladung convict [ˈkɒnvɪkt] A convict is somebody who has been sent to prison. Sträfling ancestor [ˈænsestə] Most of my ancestors come from Scotland. Ahne/Ahnin, Vorfahre/ Vorfahrin immigrant An immigrant is someone who has left his/her own country to live in another one. Einwanderer/Einwanderin coat of arms Austria has a black eagle in its coat of arms. Wappen preconception Not all preconceptions turn out to be true. vorgefasste Meinung to stand in one’s way Please don’t stand in my way, I’m in a real hurry! im Weg stehen green ant We had green ants all over the house. grüne Ameise witchetty grub [ˈwɪtʃətɪ grʌb] I’m not sure I could eat witchetty grubs; they look so awful! Witchetty-Made emu [ˈiːmjuː] An emu is a bird but it can’t fly. Emu 3 barbie (= barbecue) (coll.) We had a great barbie at the weekend. Grillparty mate (Aus., BE) [meɪt] My brother Simon was there with his mates. Kumpel 4 outfit Are you sure that’s the right outfit? We’re going hiking, not to a party. Kleidung, Outfit G’day from down under 1 head of state The King is also the head of state of Australia. Staatsoberhaupt rainforest The world’s rainforests are important for our climate. Regenwald 187 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv