Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

to ram The knight rammed his sword into the door. rammen rib He had no major injuries, just a broken rib. Rippe club The aggressive dog was killed with a club. (hier:) Keule to slam He ran away and slammed the door. schlagen, (Tür) zuschlagen skull His shirt had a pattern of skulls and bones. Schädel to freeze When she saw the thief she froze. erstarren, zu Eis werden to lift up I tried to lift up the bag but it was too heavy. hochheben sideways She stepped sideways to avoid the hole in the road. zur Seite crab Crabs crawl sideways. Krabbe to fold up The tablecloth was folded up and put away. zusammenfalten rag doll When I was young, a rag doll was my only toy. Stoffpuppe to crush Before you put the garlic in, you crush the cloves. zerdrücken to grind (ground, ground) We grind coffee before we put it in the machine. zerquetschen, zermahlen abridged [əˈbrɪdʒd] An abridged text is one that has been made shorter. gekürzt 7 narrative technique Her narrative technique was very modern. Erzähltechnik perspective From her perspective it was alright. Blickwinkel, Perspektive first-person narrator The first-person narrator is a little girl who tells the story from her perspective. Ich-Erzähler/in third-person narrator Sarah is the third-person narrator in the novel. Er-/Sie-Erzähler/in 9 climax [ˈklaɪmæks] of a story The climax of a story is the most exciting point. Höhepunkt einer Geschichte 10 illegal [ɪˈliːgl] It is illegal to sell movies that you have downloaded from the internet. illegal to weigh the pros and cons Before answering he weighed the pros and cons. Für und Wider abwägen The passive voice factual A newspaper report is a factual text. sachbezogen, sachlich emphasis [ˈemfəsɪs] The emphasis was on the first step of the programme. Schwerpunkt, Betonung 3 clue The clues helped me to solve the maths problem. Hinweis, Hilfestellung to interrogate The police interrogated the teenagers for more than two hours. Then they could go home. befragen, verhören to accuse sb. of sth. They were accused of having damaged a car. jmdn. einer Sache anklagen in jail The two teenagers were kept in jail until the next day. in Haft to release Before he was released he had to pay a fine. frei lassen Writing skills: Story writing 1 worrywart He is such a worrywart, he always wants to discuss things. ständig besorgte Person hint [hɪnt] Can’t you give me just a little hint about my birthday present? Please?! Hinweis, Tipp, Andeutung 2 setting The setting of her new story is similar to that of her first novel. Schauplatz plot development I was a bit disappointed by the plot development. The story was very simple. Handlungsentwicklung foreshadowing Foreshadowing is a literary technique to predict what might occur later on in the story. Andeutung, Vorahnung turning point At the turning point a total change occurs in a story. Wendepunkt 3 however Her third novel, however, was much better. jedoch although [ɔːlˈðəʊ] Although he was only thirteen, he knew exactly what he wanted. obwohl therefore Therefore you have to be very careful. daher moreover moreover = in addition, furthermore außerdem finally/eventually Finally/Eventually he decided to give in. schließlich 4 peer editing Peer editing in the classroom can be very motivating. Kontrolle durch Gleichaltrige Deportation at breakfast 1 deportation The way deportations are handled in this country is not humane at all. Abschiebung, Deportation 2 hand-lettered (AE) The sign outside the restaurant was hand-lettered. handgeschrieben bold On a PC, letters can be typed in bold or in italics. (hier:) fett, gut lesbar awning [ˈɔːnɪŋ] There were large windows underneath the awning. Vordach, Plane, Beschattung homey The air inside the restaurant smelled fresh and homey. gemütlich, heimelig 183 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv