Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

V commercial stuff (coll.) I don’t like listening to that commercial stuff on the radio. I’d rather play my own CDs. kommerzielles Zeug Crime and suspense suspense Alfred Hitchcock’s nickname was “the Master of Suspense”. Spannung 1 private eye She hired a private eye to spy on her husband. Privatdetektiv/in criminal In the pub he was really frightened because he was surrounded by criminals. Verbrecher/in, Kriminelle/r petty criminal Pickpockets are just petty criminals. Kleinkriminelle/r victim Their victims are normally old ladies who cannot run after them. Opfer crime report In the crime report it said that the victim was killed with a knife. Polizeibericht (von einem Verbrechen) offence In some countries it is an offence to smoke in restaurants. Vergehen evidence There was little evidence that the robber was a woman. Beweis 2 scale How did you like it on a scale of one to ten? Maßstab common Our common aim was to help my grandmother. (hier:) gemeinsam faking your parents’ signature Faking your parents’ signature does not change the situation. die Unterschrift der Eltern fälschen joyriding Joyriding is a criminal offence. ein Auto stehlen und damit herumfahren Juvenile crime juvenile At the actors’ academy she was together with juvenile performers from six to 16. Jugend1 envelope For his birthday he got an envelope with a nice card. Kuvert 2 paranoid She was afraid of everything and everyone – she was really paranoid. unter Verfolgungswahn leidend, paranoid to commit a crime Drug addiction is often the reason that crimes are committed. ein Verbrechen begehen personal assault The security guard was charged with personal assault. Angriff auf eine Person sexual assault The middle-aged man was accused of sexual assault. sexueller Übergriff property damage Property damage may include all sorts of damages to anything in your possession. Beschädigung arson They were falsely accused of having been involved in an arson attack on a construction site. Brandstiftung to account for sth. The report found that mental illness accounts for nearly half of all ill health in people younger than 65. etw. ausmachen to feel attracted to She always felt attracted to rather strange-looking guys. sich hingezogen fühlen zu downtown Downtown Manhattan is very hectic, but fascinating. innerstädtisch warehouse Their new flat is in a converted warehouse. Lagerhaus to own The company owns three properties in Italy. besitzen hangout He often spends time in the pub, his favourite hangout. Aufenthaltsort insane I immediately noticed this insane look in his eyes. geistesgestört, -krank out of one’s league He was much better than me, really out of my league. außerhalb jmds. Liga trashed His apartment looked really trashed. heruntergekommen garbage (AE) In America the word garbage is used for waste. Abfall, Müll 5 a harmless incident I just thought it was a harmless incident, nothing to worry about. ein harmloser Vorfall horrific The victim was taken to hospital with horrific injuries. schrecklich margin Sometimes you will find explanations in the margin. (Seiten-)Rand glove [glʌv] Before the doctor started operating, he put on a new pair of gloves. Handschuh to yell at sb. The policeman yelled at the robber before he fired. jmdn. anschreien nightstick The guard smashed the window with a nightstick. Schlagstock to tumble When he was hit, he tumbled and fell. stürzen gravel [ˈgrævl] The gravel path leads to the gate. Kies obviously He could not stand up straight, he was obviously drunk. offensichtlich to be out of one’s mind She quit her job? She must be out of her mind. den Verstand verloren haben rent-a-cop In his spare time he worked as a rent-a-cop guard. private Sicherheitskraft to crawl away After the accident the driver crawled away from the burning car. wegkriechen to breathe [briːð] The fire was so hot, it was impossible to breathe. atmen to be out of shape If you are out of shape, do some exercise. nicht in Form sein Unit 8 182 Vocabulary Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv