Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

V Jobs technician [tekˈnɪʃn] When the photocopier broke down, I called the service technician immediately. Techniker/in solar photovoltaic installer You cannot mount the solar panels on your own, you need a solar photovoltaic installer to do the job. Photovoltaik-Installateur/- in statistician A statistician compiles data in statistics. Statistiker/in personal health aide A personal health aide is not a nurse but a trained caretaker. Gesundheitshilfe, Pfleger/- in occupation His main occupation is to show people around the castle. Beruf, Beschäftigung physician Carol is a trained physician. Her main occupation is treating children with severe medical problems. Arzt/Ärztin growth rate Sky TV is happy about the high customer growth rate. Wachstumsrate 1 personal skills During the job interview you’ll also have to comment on your personal skills. persönliche Fähigkeiten outgoing If you want to work as a waiter or waitress, you should be more outgoing. umgänglich disciplined You must be very disciplined to take evening classes. diszipliniert eloquent [ˈeləkwənt] Politicians need to be eloquent in discussions. redegewandt cheeky He told us the joke with a cheeky grin on his face. frech, vorlaut punctual to be punctual = to be on time pünktlich trustworthy [ˈtrʌstˌwɜːðɪ] People working in a bank need to be trustworthy. vertrauenswürdig convincing If you’re not convincing, you have no chance as a salesperson. überzeugend self-confident I think I’m quite self-confident. I know my strengths and weaknesses. selbstbewusst prospect [ˈprɒspekt] If we get the job our prospects are really promising. Aussicht increasingly Her job has become increasingly difficult. zunehmend 2 decorator A decorator designs shop windows so that people become interested in what a shop has on offer. Ausstatter/in stand-in There’s always a stand-in singer in an opera in case the star gets ill and can’t make it to the performance. Vertretung, Double bridesmaid My sister asked me to be her bridesmaid! Brautjungfer haunted house [hɔːntɪd haʊs] My favourite attraction in Chessington World of Adventures is the Haunted House. Geisterhaus silent movie pianist When films had no sound, there were silent movie pianists to accompany the film with live music. Stummfilmpianist/in candyfloss maker Every child loves the candyfloss maker at a fair. Zuckerwattehersteller/in door-to-door As a door-to-door salesperson he speaks to hundreds of people every day. Haus zu Haus Jobs, jobs, jobs … 1 stereotype It’s a stereotype that only boys can become good mechanics. Stereotyp, Klischee irregular hours Doctors have to get used to working irregular hours. unregelmäßige Arbeitszeiten TV presenter David Letterman was a famous TV presenter. TV-Präsentator/in 3 officer in charge The officer in charge has to make a decision. diensthabende/r Beamtin/ Beamter firearms [ˈfaɪəɑːmz] Firearms are not allowed on board. Feuerwaffen 4 work experience Work experience is essential for your CV. Praktikum, Berufserfahrung workplace workplace  work  worker  to work Arbeitsplatz/-stätte work placement Have you already organised your work placement? Praktikumsplatz key skills Today’s key skills are probably flexibility and the ability to learn. Schlüsselqualifikationen time management If you want to finish projects in time you should work on your time management. Zeitmanagement vacation (AE) [vəˈkeɪʃn] I’m on vacation in February. Urlaub, Ferien to give sth. a go Why don’t you give it a go and find out if you like it? etw. versuchen 5 health and safety rules Health and safety rules have to be obeyed at all times. Gesundheits- und Sicherheitsvorschriften A-level subjects English or maths can be A-level subjects. Gegenstände, die zur britischen Reifeprüfung gewählt werden 7 business people Business people usually run their own companies. Geschäftsleute dog treat I try to teach my dog some new tricks by giving him a dog treat whenever he does something well. Hundekuchen Unit 7 180 Vocabulary Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv