Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

parental figure Parental figures are adult people replacing parents. Mutter-/Vaterersatz plot summary I was glad to have a plot summary, otherwise I would not have understood the play. Zusammenfassung der Handlung, Inhaltsangabe recommendation I got a recommendation from my company. Empfehlung Modal verbs substitute form The substitute form can be used instead. Ersatzform 1 to rise to one’s feet He put down his glass and rose to his feet. aufstehen to shudder She shuddered as she stepped down into the cellar. zittern, schaudern to paralyse Fear paralysed him for a moment, then he ran away. lähmen to wonder I wonder if she could come round and help me. sich fragen Sorry, you’re wrong! 1 commercial break I think commercial breaks are really annoying. Werbepause advert [ˈædvɜːt] We’ll have to put up with adverts if we want to watch Free TV. Anzeige, Werbespot value [ˈvæljuː] The exact value of this ring is unknown. Wert to have little/much effect on how Bad weather has little effect on how I feel. kleine/große Wirkung darauf haben wie to get oneself a drink Why don’t you get yourself a drink? They’re free. sich ein Getränk nehmen violence Teenagers sometimes use violence when they are frustrated. Gewalt to swear (swore, sworn) It’s not very polite to swear at people. (hier:) fluchen 3 to distinguish between It’s hard to distinguish between Russian and Ukrainian. unterscheiden zwischen to contradict Sorry to contradict, but I don’t think so. widersprechen viewpoint From my viewpoint I would say that he’s right. Standpunkt in a position to judge Don’t say that. You’re not in a position to judge. in der Lage sein, ein Urteil zu treffen Check-out 1 of personal interest I can easily understand topics of personal interest. von persönlichem Interesse 3 pastime His favourite pastime is watching TV. Freizeitbeschäftigung to indicate The bad results indicate the need for more work. zeigen to be aware of sth. She was not aware of the dangers involved. sich etw. bewusst sein to be encouraged to The girl was encouraged by her teacher to learn French. ermutigt werden Music pitch [pɪtʃ] This pitch was characteristic of his new guitar. Tonhöhe frequency Bats can hear extremely high frequencies. Frequenz 1 chronological order Can you sort these pictures into chronological order? zeitliche/chronologische Reihenfolge vinyl record [ˈvaɪnɪl ˈrekɔːd] Vinyl records are becoming more popular again. Schallplatte magnetic tape Magnetic tape was used in recording machines. Magnetband 2 lyrics [ˈlɪrɪks] Are the lyrics of a song important to you as well, or is it just the music? Liedtext Producing your own music 2 heading I don’t like the heading of this article. Do you? Überschrift to admit I must admit I have lost your e-mail. zugeben to apply (for) Don’t forget to apply for the job before it’s too late. sich bewerben (um) DIY [ˌdiːaɪˈwaɪ] DIY stands for “do it yourself”. Mach es selbst. shed We keep all our gardening tools in the shed. Schuppen to spend time doing sth. He spent a lot of time editing his first song. Zeit mit etw. verbringen to edit out Some musicians don’t edit out every little mistake in a recording so that things don’t sound too perfect. herausschneiden in the distance In the distance we could see a lion and his mate. in der Ferne to be picked up by your recording equipment His comments were picked up by our recording equipment. vom Aufnahmegerät aufgenommen werden carpet A beautiful oriental carpet covered the hall. Teppich blanket In winter I take two blankets for sleeping. (Bett-)Decke microphone (mike) [ˈmaɪkrəfəʊn (maɪk)] The microphone was broken, so we could not hear anything. Mikrofon vocals [ˈvəʊkəlz] Some singers do their own background vocals. Gesang Unit 6 177 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv