Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

chart The chart shows that more and more people have stopped smoking. Diagramm media consumption I want you to answer the following questions about your media consumption. Medienkonsum 2 text message You shouldn’t send text messages during lessons. SMS in person I’m going to come over in person to make sure you get that package. persönlich on the phone You’ve been on the phone for ages – isn’t your credit used up yet? am Telefon couch potato You’re a real couch potato! Go outside and get some exercise! Stubenhocker/in cyberspace [ˈsaɪbəspeɪs] Many teens spend a lot of time playing online games in cyberspace. virtueller Raum episode Did you see the last episode of Big Bang Theory? Episode, Folge (TV-Serie) virtual reality Computer games create a virtual reality. virtuelle Realität weblog Writing weblogs is out, participating in online communities is in! Internettagebuch quotation [kwəʊˈteɪʃn] Can you think of a quotation for dad’s birthday card? Zitat portable video player My dad’s got a portable video player in his car. tragbares Videogerät viewing habits People’s viewing habits have changed over the years. Sehgewohnheiten word web Word webs are very useful for learning new words. Wörternetz Fake news 1 fake It is illegal to sell fake designer T-shirts. falsch, gefälscht to mislead sb. I think they misled me about my new neighbour’s true identity. jmdn. hinters Licht führen to misinform sb. He misinformed the public over and over. jmdn. falsch informieren to go viral Their video went viral. It was downloaded over ten thousand times. sich viral verbreiten trusted source You should always try to find a trusted source. vertrauenswürdige Quelle 2 Chinese whispers Chinese whispers is an internationally popular children’s game. Stille Post mistake Life gets easier when you are ready to learn from your mistakes. Fehler senior adviser Sheriff Hutson’s senior adviser has resigned. dienstälterer Berater, dienstältere Beraterin to design content This course will teach you how to design content that works. Inhalte erstellen/ entwickeln to impact on The accident impacted on traffic on Highway 1 for more than two hours. eine Auswirkung haben to fool sb. I feel stupid because he fooled me. jmdn. täuschen 3 by accident I discovered this beach by accident a few years ago. zufällig in the first place I felt like she never really liked me in the first place. überhaupt, zuerst Reading skills: Scanning and skimming research Before you start writing an essay, you should do some research. Suche nach Informationen, Recherche 1 to skim If you don’t have enough time to read the book, just skim through it. That’ll do. überfliegen to get the gist [dʒɪst] Skimming a text to get the gist is an important reading skill. das Wesentliche erfassen teenage pregnancy rate Great Britain has a very high teenage pregnancy rate. Rate an Teenagerschwangerschaften for teenagers and viewers alike This programme is really educational, for teenagers and viewers alike. für Teenager genauso wie für die Zuseher/innen teen couple Teen couples are often part of TV soaps. Teenagerpaar belly I’ll take a course in belly dancing. Bauch pre-birth classes Pre-birth classes are an important preparation for young parents. Geburtsvorbereitungskurs to care for My big sister helped to care for me when I was a baby. sorgen für toddler I have to look after my younger brother. He’s a toddler. Kleinkind spectrum of You’ve seen the whole spectrum of what we can do. Spektrum von 2 to scan The customs officer scanned their luggage for drugs. durchsuchen to put sth. across I don’t understand why the producers tried to put this idea across in such a depressing way. etw. verständlich machen, vermitteln 4 pros and cons Before buying a dog you should think of the pros and cons of having a pet. Für und Wider 175 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv