Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

V Doing something sensible 1 volunteer Any volunteers for the tasks ahead? Freiwillige/r to feel encouraged She felt encouraged to stand up and speak her mind. sich ermutigt fühlen to be short of money My brother’s always short of money. I guess he’s a spender, not a saver. knapp bei Kasse sein poor background She originally came from a poor background which offered her limited choices in life. armer Hintergrund to be in constant need of sth. Pets are in constant need of love and care. ständig etw. bedürfen Unusual hobbies 1 aircraft spotting They went aircraft spotting every weekend. Flugzeuge erspähen, sichten beachcombing [ˈbiːtʃəʊmɪŋ] I’d rather lie in the sun than to go beachcombing. Strandgut sammeln scrapbook Would you like to see my scrapbook? Sammelalbum embroidery [ɪmˈbrɔɪdərɪ] He has recently taken up embroidery. Stickerei garage sale Why don’t you sell your old stuff at a garage sale? privater Flohmarkt matchstick It only takes a single matchstick to start a fire. Streichholz calligraphy Calligraphy is a widespread art in Asia. Schönschreibkunst, Kalligrafie 2 admittedly Admittedly, golf is not a cheap hobby. zugegebenermaßen sheer That was sheer luck if you ask me. pur, rein log It has been a long time since my last travel log. (hier:) Protokoll, Tagebuch host We love being your hosts and want you to feel comfortable. Gastgeber/in cave Inside the cave, guided tours take off every 20 to 30 minutes. Höhle founder The company’s founder studied fashion design. Gründer/in to be desperate to do sth. She was desperate to find an answer. etw. unbedingt tun wollen/müssen Geocaching geocaching [ˈdʒiːəʊˌkæʃɪŋ] Geocaching is a popular outdoor activity. Geocaching 2 to hunt for sth. They hunted for bargains all day long. nach etw. jagen hidden The message was hidden behind the mirror. versteckt trinket For her birthday, she received a small silver trinket. billiges Schmuckstück location They met at a secret location to discuss the plan. Ort logbook Could you show me the logbook, please? Logbuch, Fahrtenbuch to keep a record of sth. You are required to keep a record of your sales. über etw. Buch führen towpath [ˈtəʊˌpɑːƟ] They went along the towpath, chatting for hours. unbefestigter Weg am Flussufer pile of logs The pile of logs was obviously set on fire on purpose. Holzstoß hollow tree stump It’s not a good idea to use hollow tree stumps in the woods as rubbish bins. hohler Baumstumpf terrain They were delayed by rough terrain. Gelände wheelchair accessible Are the toilets wheelchair accessible? mit einem Rollstuhl erreichbar to suit sb. It suited her to adjourn the meeting. jmdm. passen detour [ˈdiːˌtʊə] They had to make a detour as the main road was closed. Umweg obvious It is obvious that he still loves her. augenscheinlich, deutlich 3 to orbit the Earth The moon orbits the Earth. um die Erde kreisen to be on standby This weekend, she was on standby. auf Abruf bereitstehen to locate sth. I still haven’t located Uranus 3. etw. ausfindig machen to figure out sth. We must figure out why so many fish are dead. etw. herausfinden, verstehen Check-out 2 stroke Bubba Watson won this stretch by two strokes. (hier:) Schlag, Spielzug 3 dog tag A dog tag is usually attached to a dog’s collar. Hundemarke Fifteen minutes of fame 1 marketing research [ˈmɑːkɪtɪŋ rɪˈsɜːtʃ] According to marketing research, young people haven’t stopped reading books. Marketingstudie to calculate Before they started, they had to calculate the costs. berechnen, ausrechnen result The result of their calculations was that they could not afford the new investment. Ergebnis Unit 5 174 Vocabulary Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv