Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

to stay off the beaten path/ track If you want to taste true local food, you’ll have to stay off the beaten path/track. sich abseits der üblichen Wege bewegen off high streets Cheaper things can only be found off high streets. abseits von großen Einkaufsstraßen incredible This dress was incredibly cheap. unglaublich biking gear You should get him some biking gear if you don’t know what to give him as a present. Fahrradausrüstung flea market [fliː ˈmɑːkɪt] The flea market is open every Saturday. Flohmarkt unusual This souvenir is really unusual, thank you very much! ungewöhnlich craftworker Craftworkers are skilled in a particular craft. Handwerker/in to go the extra mile for sb. She is someone who always goes the extra mile for her colleagues. sich für jmdn. anstrengen terrific [təˈrɪfɪk] The view from this window is terrific. fantastisch, grandios immediate [ɪˈmiːdjət] Thanks to the internet you have immediate access to the album you’ve just bought. sofort, unmittelbar to pay off to do sth. It pays off to study new vocabulary carefully. sich auszahlen etw. zu tun to hunt down sth. She really managed to hunt down the last available edition of the book. etw. aufspüren grateful We are most grateful for your visit. dankbar 4 mark Check the car for any marks or dents. (hier:) Fleck, Schaden to come undone The handle has come undone after just a few days. sich von etw. lösen to match sth. His tie matched his shirt perfectly. zu etw. passen receipt [rɪˈsiːt] Don’t forget to show your receipt to the shop assistant! Rechnung, Zahlungsbeleg in stock Sorry, size M is no longer in stock. vorrätig credit note I can only offer you a credit note in return, I’m afraid. Gutschein make (noun) What make is your mum’s car? (hier:) Marke plug This is a European plug. You won’t be able to use it overseas. Stecker socket The socket is too far away from the table. Steckdose 5 inconvenience [ˌɪnkənˈviːnjəns] I apologise for any inconvenience caused. Unannehmlichkeit Check-out 1 valid This is not a valid passport, I’m afraid. gültig unlimited use When I bought the ticket it said “unlimited use”. unbegrenzte Nutzung 3 workshop Tomorrow we’ll visit the oldest workshop in town. Werkstatt travelogue [ˈtrævəlɒg] I’ve just finished one of Jules Verne’s travelogues – really fascinating. Reisebericht to recognise sth. She recognised the street she grew up in. etw. erkennen disoriented [dɪˈsɔːrɪəntɪd] When they found him, he was disoriented and afraid. orientierungslos run down The house was quite cheap because it was really run down. heruntergekommen to apply the emergency brake You risk a fine if you apply the emergency brake without a reason. die Notbremse betätigen to stand a chance They never stood a chance of getting the last ticket. eine Chance haben queuing time [ˈkjuːɪŋ taɪm] Queuing time has increased dramatically. Wartezeit factory floor It was loud and dirty on the factory floor. Fabrikhalle Free-time activities 1 to plummet Share prices plummeted after the catastrophe. abstürzen, stark fallen to skyrocket The new phone made the company’s value skyrocket. in die Höhe schießen to puzzle sb. He was puzzled by this remark. jmdn. verblüffen, verwirren survey [ˈsɜːveɪ] Excuse me, would you take part in a survey? Umfrage, Untersuchung to assume sth. I assume she has already left, sir. etw. annehmen to be convinced She was convinced she had done the right thing. überzeugt sein Sports 1 biathlon [baɪˈæƟlən] I always watch the biathlon competitions on TV. Biathlon (Skilanglauf mit Schießwettbewerb) parachuting Have you ever been parachuting? I don’t dare to. Fallschirmspringen cross-country skiing Cross-country skiing is quite tiring. Langlaufen canoeing/kayaking He goes canoeing/kayaking whenever he has time. Kanufahren, Kayakfahren archery [ˈɑːtʃərɪ] Archery is a sport with a long tradition. Bogenschießen fencing Fencing has been an Olympic sport since 1896. Fechten Unit 4 173 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv