Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

V to spill food All babies spill food. Essen verschütten, patzen to stab sb. The victim was stabbed in his back. auf jmdn. einstechen fork Why don’t you use your fork instead of your fingers? Gabel pricey I love the new restaurant, but it is too pricey for teenagers. teuer computer geek [kəmˈpjuːtə giːk] My brother’s a computer geek; he rarely leaves his room. Computerfreak ceiling [ˈsiːlɪŋ] They have stacked books from floor to ceiling. Zimmerdecke odd My father’s cousin is quite odd, I sometimes don’t understand his behaviour. komisch, eigenartig topping We have a choice of extra toppings if you like: ham, artichokes, … . (hier:) Pizzabelag china Drinking from a china cup tastes much better than you think. Porzellan venue [ˈvenjuː] The city hall is also a venue for concerts during the festival season. Ort, wo etwas stattfindet; Lokal fancy The curtains looked rather fancy but I didn’t like them. ausgefallen, überspannt brass The food was served on brass plates which looked like gold. Messing porcelain platter Even the side dish is served on a porcelain platter. Porzellanteller 5 smoked My dad does his own smoked ham. geräuchert mackerel [ˈmækrəl] I don’t like any fish except mackerel. Makrele pâté [ˈpɑːteɪ] Have you ever tried liver pâté? Pastete garnish For some people, the garnish is more important than the food itself. Garnierung goat’s cheese I am allergic to cow milk but I’d like some goat’s cheese, please. Ziegenkäse pork chop Are there only pork chops for barbecue? Schweinskotelett to be accompanied by sth. Our ribs are accompanied by a baked potato and coleslaw. von etw. begleitet sein steamed My uncle always says that steamed food tastes of nothing. gedämpft sea bass Today’s special at Antonio’s is grilled sea bass. Seebarsch pan-fried Pan-fried dishes are delicious but not very healthy. in der Pfanne gebraten asparagus [əˈspærəgəs] You’ll have to wait until May to get some fresh asparagus. Spargel quiche [kiːʃ] I have prepared a quiche for you. pikanter Kuchen aus Mürbteig 7 on delivery You don’t have to pay now, you can pay on delivery. bei Lieferung 8 appropriate You have to react in an appropriate way, not in the way you did it. geeignet today’s special You can find today’s specials on the blackboard next to the door. Angebot des Tages medium Would you like your steak medium or rare? (hier:) halb durchgebraten rare (hier:) kaum durchgebraten When things go wrong 2 fire brigade [ˈfaɪə brɪˌgeɪd] The fire brigade came to the scene of the accident immediately. Feuerwehr burglar She hit the burglar with her golf club. Einbrecher/in to skid She skidded on the wet road. schleudern, ausrutschen to hit a tree The car hit a tree before it came to stand in the middle of the road. an einen Baum anprallen to be trapped They were trapped in the burning car. gefangen sein 4 personal details He refused to give his personal details to the police. persönliche Daten dizzy I still feel a bit dizzy. schwindlig allergy They say that more and more people suffer from allergies these days. Allergie Shopping 1 Christmas pudding I can’t stand Christmas pudding. Is there anything else? Weihnachtspudding dome-shaped Policemen’s helmets in Britain are dome-shaped. kuppelartig preserve [prɪˈzɜːv] Granny gave me some of her homemade preserves. Marmelade memorabilia [ˌmemərəˈbɪlɪə] Brian collects theatre memorabilia. He has over two hundred costumes, masks and wigs. Erinnerungsstücke 2 closet (AE) Can I use this closet for my clothes? Kasten, Schrank to avoid sth. I usually avoid crowded places. etw. vermeiden 172 Vocabulary Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv