Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

V Now that’s what I call living! 1 weird [wɪəd] That was a weird movie. I didn’t really understand it. eigenartig 2 childhood I was a happy child – I had a very happy childhood. Kindheit hippie Scores of hippies flocked to San Francisco. Hippie to go straight on Just go straight on – you can’t miss the Post Office. geradeaus fahren/gehen harbour [ˈhɑːbə] I like watching the ships in the harbour. Hafen to rehearse [rɪˈhɜːs] We’ve been rehearsing that song for an hour now – I think that’s enough. proben trailer (AE) In the US lots of people live in big trailers. Wohnwagen taxi-driving taxi-driving  taxi driver Taxi fahrend part-time I only work part-time. Teilzeit-, Halbtagscab (AE) All the cabs in New York are yellow. Taxi expectation I don’t really care about other people’s expectations. Erwartung wrestler [ˈreslə] He used to work as a professional wrestler. Ringer/in lion tamer Lion tamers know how to deal with wild animals. Löwenbändiger/in 4 to highlight Please highlight all the adjectives in the text. markieren poverty poverty  poor Armut on foot It was a long distance, but they came on foot. zu Fuß from time to time From time to time I allow myself a piece of cake. von Zeit zu Zeit, ab und zu in the hands of I know that I can leave my dog in the hands of my brother – I totally trust him. in den Händen von businessman/-woman As a businessman/-woman you have to have good communication skills. Geschäftsmann/-frau politician [ˌpɒlɪˈtɪʃn] Politicians are people who work in politics. Politiker/in bald [bɔːld] bald = having no hair on one’s head glatzköpfig, kahl it’s up to you I’ll study with you, but it’s up to you to pass the test. es liegt an dir/ihnen wallet [ˈwɒlɪt] I can’t buy anything. I forgot my wallet. Geldbörse, Brieftasche to spend (money) on Don’t spend all your pocket money on DVDs. (Geld) ausgeben 6 conjunction Many linking words are conjunctions like because. Konjunktion to turn out It turned out that they had gone to the same school. sich herausstellen Check-out 1 audience It has been adapted for a younger audience. Publikum to capture the attention The show has captured the attention of teenagers. Aufmerksamkeit fesseln engaging Does this game have an engaging storyline? fesselnd protagonist The protagonist is the main character of a book. Hauptfigur misery Life turns into misery for him. Elend receiver Jonas is made the Receiver of Memory. Empfänger/in well-crafted Splatoon 3 is a well-crafted game. gut gemacht dystopia The climate dystopia is already here. Dystopie, Erzählung mit negativem Ausgang 2 in simple terms Your text is too difficult. Try to say it in simple terms. in einfachen Worten 3 superficial [ˌsuːpəˈfɪʃl] I don’t like superficial people who are only interested in themselves. oberflächlich to stay in touch E-mail makes it so much easier to stay in touch. in Kontakt bleiben to boast She’s boasting that she won the contest, but I don’t really believe her. angeben abstract [ˈæbstrækt] Could you rewrite that? It’s a little too abstract for me. abstrakt Travelling the world soul SOS stands for save our souls. Seele to remind sb. of sth. This book reminds me of the stories which I read when I was in primary school. jmdn. an etw. erinnern 2 quotation The quotation from Julian’s book says it all. Zitat 3 to illustrate sth. Can you illustrate this with an example? etw. veranschaulichen brief Make it brief, time is short. kurz accommodation [əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃn] Our accommodation was really basic, no private bathroom, no air condition. Unterkunft (z. B. Hotel, Campingplatz) caravan We went through Italy with a caravan this summer. Wohnwagen youth hostel Youth hostels usually offer the cheapest room rates. Jugendherberge bed and breakfast My aunt has a bed and breakfast in Cornwall. Frühstückspension motel There is a new motel on the M4. We could spend the night there. Motel to not agree with sb. The spicy chicken didn’t agree with me, I got really sick. (hier:) etw. nicht vertragen Unit 3 170 Vocabulary Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv