Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

technical equipment My brother’s not really good with technical equipment – he always asks me to explain it to him. technische Ausrüstung commercial In spite of all the commercials the product did not sell. Werbespot charity [ˈtʃærɪtɪ] My favourite charity is the Red Cross. I really admire their work. Wohltätigkeitsorganisation to compare prices Do you never compare prices? Preise vergleichen to perform on stage I wouldn’t want to perform on stage – I’m too shy. auftreten to hang out with sb. Mum hangs out with her friends most Friday evenings. mit jmdm. Zeit verbringen wind power Wind power is a modern form of energy. Windenergie tactful If you are tactful, you make sure you don’t say or do things that would hurt people’s feelings. taktvoll to make sb. feel welcome If he arrives, do make him feel welcome from the start. jmdn. freundlich aufnehmen to examine sth. [ɪgˈzæmɪn sth.] I examined the picture closely but I couldn’t find dad in it. etw. untersuchen to suit best [suːt best] We can meet whenever it suits you best. am besten passen caring You’re such a caring person – maybe you should become a doctor or a nurse! fürsorglich open-minded I always thought Peter was quite open-minded, but in fact he seems to be rather intolerant. aufgeschlossen personnel [ˌpɜːsənˈel] Many of the sales personnel need more training. Personal to take an interest in sth. Once I take an interest in something I try to read as much about it as I can. an etw. interessiert sein architect [ˈɑːkɪtekt] Hans Hollein is a famous Austrian architect. Architekt/in methodical [məˈƟɒdɪkl] My sister and I are totally different – I’m methodical, she’s chaotic. methodisch to achieve sth. in life [əˈtʃiːv sth. ɪn laɪf] Dad always says it’s important to try to achieve something in life. etw. im Leben erreichen opportunity I would have liked to become an actor but I never had the opportunity. Gelegenheit, Chance ambitious [æmˈbɪʃəs] I’m sure Rita will pass the test. She’s quite ambitious. ehrgeizig competitive Yoga is not the right sport to be competitive. wetteifernd, konkurrierend 3 personal qualities Your success will depend on your personal qualities. persönliche Eigenschaften challenge This might be hard, but I like a challenge. Herausforderung reliable [rɪˈlaɪəbl] I’m looking for a reliable household help. verlässlich, zuverlässig deadline [ˈdedlaɪn] Journalists have to be able to meet deadlines. Abgabetermin to take turns It’s a long drive, but don’t worry, we’ll take turns. einander abwechseln 4 item What is the most expensive item in your collection? Artikel, Ding to brighten up Thanks for your call – it brightened up my day! heller machen, aufheitern Talking about the future 1 prediction [prɪˈdkʃn] If you say that something will happen in the future, you are making a prediction. Vorhersage, Voraussage 3 at work I have to be at work at nine, but sometimes I’m late. in/bei der Arbeit 4 in order to In order to get there on time we have to leave now! um … zu 5 abroad [əˈbrɔːd] Spending time abroad will improve your English a lot. im Ausland Insta – can that be true? 1 social network Social networks are very popular these days. Soziales Netzwerk influencer Influencers present the products they bought or used. Influencer/in 2 to get in touch with sb. I will get in touch with you next week. jmdn. kontaktieren to share sth. with sb. Why don’t your share the photos with your mum? etw. mit jmdm. teilen to edit sth. Have you edited the photos before you uploaded them? etw. bearbeiten content Users can upload content to the platform. Inhalte public Many things you post online are public. Everyone can see them. öffentlich to tag sth. Don’t tag photos with the names of your friends. etw. beschlagworten insecurity Six in seven people worldwide are plagued by feelings of insecurity. Unsicherheit craft Find fun and easy craft ideas or discover a new hobby! (Kunst-)Handwerk to showcase sth. She showcased a fabulous new style. etw. präsentieren to get addicted Moreover, he got addicted to the game of golf. süchtig werden 4 employer Here’s what workers really want from their employers. Arbeitgeber/in location Getting to our location was an adventure in itself. Aufenthaltsort similar My dad has a similar sweater. ähnlich 169 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv