Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

V leading role His company plays a leading role in fighting diseases. führende Rolle science He teaches science in high school. Wissenschaft field of business What’s your field of business? Geschäftsfeld IT (information technology) They plan to hire up to 500 people at the new IT centre. Informationstechnologie marketing She has stopped working in marketing. Vermarktung, Vertriebswesen to dominate sth. The race was dominated by the 2021 champion. etw. dominieren term What’s the correct term for this procedure? Ausdruck influence [ˈɪnflʊəns] He has considerable influence over his classmates. Einfluss to be responsible for sth. Who is responsible for this mess? für etw. verantwortlich sein to take over Macrosoft has taken over the software market. die Macht ergreifen to catch up You should try to catch up before it’s too late. den Anschluss finden approximately [əˈprɒksɪmətlɪ] They are a group of approximately 30 people. ungefähr recent Have you seen his recent success at the marathon? aktuell moreover Moreover, they hadn’t been there when it happened. außerdem, ferner considerable My father donated a considerable sum of money. beträchtlich to come (second) He was trying hard, but he still came second in the race. den (zweiten) Platz belegen 2 pie/bar chart The data was presented as a pie chart. Torten-/Balkendiagramm percentage [pəˈsentɪdʒ] A large percentage of the people who use English every day are non-native speakers. (Prozent-)Anteil to amount to [əˈmaʊnt tu] The repair bill amounts to £300. etw. ausmachen, betragen to estimate It is estimated that smoking causes more than eight million deaths worldwide every year. schätzen with regard to With regard to Sarah, I think she is working too hard. in Bezug auf, bezüglich as far as … is concerned As far as your health is concerned, I think you should do it. was … betrifft to rank She is ranked number four in the world. rangieren Check-out 2 advertisement [ˈædvɜːtɪsmənt] At the station there was a funny advertisement for tooth paste. Werbung to remove sth. Please don’t remove the magazines – they’re here for everybody to read. etw. entfernen gap Mind the gap between the train and the platform. Lücke further studies Further studies could be necessary. weiterführende Studien to place sb. All the students are placed in nice families. jmdn. unterbringen sense of belonging Even though we were new to the group there was a true sense of belonging. Zugehörigkeitsgefühl cafeteria [ˌkæfɪˈtɪərɪə] Let’s meet in the cafeteria after class! Mensa, Buffet choice There was a wide choice of different activities. Auswahl dish I like vegetarian dishes more than meat. Speise, Gericht to cater for special dietary needs [ˈkeɪtə fə ˈspeʃl ˈdaɪətərɪniːdz] We try to cater for your special dietary needs. spezielle Ernährungsbedürfnisse bedienen campus I’m so glad we’re living on campus. It’s a great way to meet other students. Campus, Universitätsgelände entertainment facility Choose now among various entertainment facilities! Unterhaltungseinrichtung wide range of sth. We offer a wide range of gluten-free food. große Auswahl an etw. 4 numerous After finishing college she had numerous job offers. zahlreich by far She was by far the smartest student. bei weitem enclosed I prefer enclosed shopping malls to crowded streets. eingeschlossen It’s my life proverb A proverb is the wisdom of many and the wit of one. Sprichwort 1 to be in control You need to ask my boss – she is in control here. das Sagen haben extraordinary Tim has an extraordinary voice. He could work for a radio station. außergewöhnlich to pretend to be She pretended to be 18 but was only 15 years old. vorgeben prejudice [ˈpredʒʊdɪs] They say that nobody’s completely free from prejudice. Vorurteil 2 nickname I’ve had this nickname since primary school. Spitzname How I see myself 1 questionnaire [ˌkwestʃəˈneə] Filling in questionnaires in magazines can be fun. Fragebogen Unit 2 168 Vocabulary Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv