Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

Adverb without -ly Adverb with -ly Their players didn’t even get near our goal. (nah/in die Nähe) And the match was nearly over when they had their first real chance. (fast) In the match on Saturday, United scored a late goal. (spät) Have you seen any interesting matches on TV lately? (in letzter Zeit) e) Regular comparative and superlative forms of adverbs Positive Comparative Superlative fast faster fastest clearly more clearly most clearly easily more easily most easily f) The position of adverbs/adverbials in the sentence There are three positions in the sentence where adverbs/adverbials can be placed: • front position: before the subject • mid position: between the subject and the main verb/between auxiliary and main verb/between auxiliary and adjective • end position: after the verb/after verb + object Which position you choose depends on the type of adverb/adverbial and the emphasis you want to give it. Adverbs in front position How to use them Every morning we checked our bikes. In Canterbury we found a nice bed and breakfast place. • Adverbs/Adverbials of time and place can appear in front position for emphasis. Adverbs in mid position How to use them Bikers should always wear a helmet. Accidents often happen because people are not careful enough. • Adverbs of frequency often take mid position: always, never, often, sometimes, occasionally, etc. Amy can easily keep up with us. They were quickly able to repair the bike. • Adverbs of manner can take mid position: easily, quickly, carefully, hastily, etc. Adverbs in end position How to use them The hill was so steep that we could only go slowly. Sam had prepared the trip really well. • Adverbs of manner often appear in end position: slowly, carefully, hard, well, etc. We stopped somewhere near Brighton. After the long ride everybody was very tired in the evening. • Adverbs/Adverbials of place and time can also take end position. Order of adverbials in a sentence Peter sang happily in the shower. • Manner before place He talked to her loudly in the morning. • Manner before time We went to Scotland two years ago. • Place before time 161 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv