Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

G Grammar for reference The following pages sum up the grammar structures from the units in the book. The individual chapters are numbered G 1 to G 11 . Page references (e.g.  Page 13) help you to find the grammar items in the units. Overview Chapter Page G 1 Present forms ( Page 13) 154 G 2 Future forms ( Page 22) 155 G 3 Past forms ( Page 36) 156 G 4 Adjectives ( Page 54–55) 157 G 5 Modal verbs ( Page 67) 158 G 6 Adverbs of manner and degree ( Page 77) 160 G 7 Indirect speech ( Page 86) 162 G 8 The passive voice ( Page 103) 162 G 9 Adverbial clauses ( Page 109) 163 G 10 Defining and non-defining relative clauses ( Page 126) 164 G 11 Conditional clauses ( Page 138) 164 Present forms  Page 13 Present simple How to use it Marco goes to school in Peterborough. We live in Salzburg. • Use the present simple when you talk about things that happen regularly, often or never (e.g. general routines, pastimes or jobs). Kangaroos live in Australia and in Tasmania. Wet wood doesn’t burn well. • Use the present simple when you talk about facts (e.g. natural laws) and general descriptions (e.g. typical qualities). In Romeo and Juliet Romeo meets Juliet at a party. They fall in love at once but find it difficult to meet because their families are enemies. • Also use the present simple for summaries and present events. He sometimes works in his parents’ coffee bar. Karen always gets up at six thirty. • Sentences in the present simple often contain signal words like every day, always, often, sometimes, never, regularly, etc. Present progressive How to use it Smile, please. I’m taking your picture! She can’t come to the phone, she is having a shower. You can see here that the child is crying. • Use the present progressive to describe something that is happening at the moment when you speak (e.g. in phone calls or descriptions). Our school team is doing very well this year. Marco is training a lot these days. • You can also use the present progressive to talk about present routines that last for a longer period of time like this year, these days, etc. G 1 154 Grammar Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv