Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

Short stories  Page 104 Sample prompt A radio station is holding a competition for short stories written by listeners. The winning stories will be read on the radio. The competition rules state that all stories must begin with these words: She was exhausted and did not really know what to do. … Write a short story of around 200 words. Don’t forget to give your story a title. Useful tips Title After having finished your text, give your story a title. Beginning A short story often starts “medias in res” – right in the middle of the action. Sequencing Use sequencing expressions where necessary (after, then, while, just before, as soon as, at first, a few seconds later, finally, eventually). Paragraphs Structure your story into paragraphs. Direct Speech Use direct speech to make your story more interesting. Descriptive adjectives and adverbs Use descriptive adjectives and adverbs which add to the atmosphere of the story (e.g. he kindly said …). Linking words and connectors Where possible, use linking words and connectors to make your sentences longer. Contractions You may use contractions (don’t, isn’t, …), . Punctuation Use commas to create more detailed and interesting sentences as a means of adding information. Turning point and climax Every story needs a turning point (a big change) or climax (story highlight). Ending Try to have a dramatic, funny, open or surprising ending. Sample short story You can find another short story in the book: “Deportation at breakfast” (page 105). 5 Blue (by Jakob Ortel) She was exhausted and did not really know what to do. Katie Connor was running over a bridge. It was a very long bridge and it was big. Really big. Katie did not know what the bridge was called, but this was not important for her at the time. The sun was shining brightly, blue sky and cute clouds like small, fluffy sheep – a crystal clear view. It was a nice day, maybe a bit too hot, but OK. The sun was shining down on her, but Katie was not sweating. She was running like crazy. Her legs moved quickly. A few cars drove by. Katie’s blonde hair was going up and down. Up and down. Up and down to the rhythm of her feet. Running. Running. Running. Katie still was not sweating. The sun was still shining on her. Her legs moved step by step. A few cars drove by. Step after step after step. Still, she couldn’t see the end of the bridge. “Maybe the bridge does not have an end? I don’t know. How should I?” The sun was shining. Running. Still running. Katie was running. Suddenly she stopped. She looked down at the water under the endless bridge. She stepped on the railing. She didn’t wait. She jumped. Katie was not sweating. The water was coming closer. Blue. Katie liked this colour. Blue. 153 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv