Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

Sample letter of application Lisa Wagenbrunn Ferdinand Hanusch-Straße 99a 8010 Graz Creative Concepts Ltd. 62 Denmark Street London WC5 10B England 25 February 20 . . Application for work placement Dear Mr Wilkinson, I am writing in response to your job posting on for the position of web designer. I would like to be considered for the work placement in August in order to gain work experience in the United Kingdom and to improve my English. As you will see from my enclosed CV, I am 16 years old and attend a grammar school in Graz, Austria. My first language is German, but I have been learning English for eight years. I have visited Great Britain with my family, and I am currently studying for the FCE. My aim is to study computer science after finishing my A-levels. I have always been keen on working abroad, and I am particularly interested in a work placement in London as it is one of the most creative centres for web design in the world. Moreover, I am looking forward to gaining practical experience and learning about the services that your firm offers. I have good computer skills and I am confident in my ability to learn any new programmes quickly. Thank you for considering my application. If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me ( I am available for an online interview any evening or weekend. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Lisa Wagenbrunn Lisa Wagenbrunn Enclosed: CV 151 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv