Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

W A blog  Page 49 Useful tips Two types of blogs A blog is a site on the world wide web on which discrete entries (= blog posts) are published. Most blogs allow their readers to interactively participate in discussions by commenting on earlier entries (= blog comment). Form A blog is a very open and flexible medium, mostly used to express personal opinions and subjective views. Topics Be prepared to write about topics such as culture, growing up, study, parents, different generations, fashion, music, news, politics, travel, food and cooking, environment, sports, first experiences, stereotypes, religion, cultural differences, false facts, etc. Title Give your blog post an appropriate title. You don’t need to use a title for a blog comment. Layout and structure When writing a blog comment, write about what has been said in the post you are answering to. If necessary, include facts, figures and opinions of others to support your point of view. When writing a blog post make sure to provide information on your (user) name and give it a title referring to the topic of the text. Pay attention to structure (introduction, main body, ending or salutation line). Paragraphs Use paragraphs for each idea. Cohesion and coherence are of major importance. Note: Cohesion deals with sentence unity whereas coherence concerns text unity. Language The language of your text should be informal, semi-formal or formal depending on the purpose and your audience. In informal blog posts use the first person to address your readers personally and to make them interested. Tone The tone (humoristic, sarcastic, factual, etc.) depends on your audience and the purpose of your text. While writing keep in mind Who is the target audience? What is the blog’s purpose? Is it to inform, complain, persuade, share experience or create community? a) A blog comment Sample prompt is an online platform where people discuss their ideas about the individual in society. You have read the following blog post written by a 17-year-old American student. by RelaxedGirl Wasted life I just don’t understand why people waste all their time in the online world. If you’re trying to escape from reality, turn off the computer, travel somewhere far away and try to find your inner self. This is REAL experience in the world out there! Instead of surfing the net for fun – enjoying being Mr/Ms Anonymous – you could have much more fun in the real world. If you want friends, then get to know the people in your neighborhood with similar interests to yours instead of finding online friends on the net. Gain experience in the REAL world and start living now! You have decided to comment on this blog post. In your blog comment you should • state your opinion on RelaxedGirl’s blog post, • explain why surfing the net is another form of experience for you, • discuss the advantages of anonymity on the net. Write around 200 words. 3 148 Writing guide Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv