Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

Useful language Greetings Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms, … Dear Sir/Madam, … Dear Sir or Madam, … Reasons for writing I am writing regarding … I am writing in response to … I am writing to you about … I am writing to complain about … Body of the e-mail First/Additionally/Then/Finally your advertisement promised … Unfortunately, … Moreover, the … was supposed to be … Enclosed are copies of the receipt and guarantee. Ending I look forward to your reply and a resolution to my problem. I would like you to refund my money. Please contact me at [e-mail address]. Kind/Best regards, … Note: “Yours sincerely” and “Yours faithfully” should be reserved for very formal e-mails and letters, such as job applications. Hence, “Kind regards” and “Best regards” are better options for workplace e-mails and less formal business correspondence. Useful tips Beginning Say why you are writing. Clearly state the subject or content. Do not begin by saying who you are. Body of the e-mail Organise all the important information from the task prompt in a clear and logical way. You can add some extra ideas of your own. Use linking words to connect your complaint with the details. Ending Say clearly what you expect from the reader of your e-mail. Do you want your money back, a new product, … ? Be polite, but your demands should be clear. Sample e-mail of complaint Complaint Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to complain about a new phone I bought at one of your stores. On 10 January 20.. I bought a SUMSOKIA N901 mobile phone at TECHSTORE, 32 Tower Street, London, SW12. Unfortunately, your product has not performed well at all because it could not even be switched on after having fully charged the battery. One week ago, I talked to one of your store managers over the phone to receive a return label via e-mail, but nothing has been done so far. To resolve the problem, I would appreciate it if you could exchange the phone or refund my money. Enclosed are copies of the receipt and guarantee. I look forward to your reply and a resolution to my problem. Please contact me at Best regards, Julia Schmied 147 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv