Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

Useful tips Beginning Always start with a capital letter. Clearly state your reasons for writing. Language Use formal language. Contractions Always use the full forms instead of contractions (e.g. I have, it is, etc.). Punctuation Do not use exclamation marks. Sample formal e-mail Semester abroad Dear Mr. Schwartz, I came across your posting on the internet and I am very interested in spending a semester at your school in Canada. I am 16 years old and attend a secondary school in Innsbruck, Austria. The decision to study abroad during high school isn’t always an easy one and comes with both pros and cons. For me, studying abroad during high school is the perfect window of opportunity: Getting to know new people, practising my language skills, exploring a country. However, I have a few questions before starting off. First, could I get more information on the school, its students, courses you offer and school fees for exchange students? Are all courses held in English? My next question is about accommodation: Do you offer on-campus accommodation or do exchange students live with host families? I would be grateful if you could provide more information. Finally, it would be helpful to know the application deadlines for winter term exchanges. Thank you very much in advance. Please feel free to contact me at I very much look forward to hearing from you. Best wishes, Noah Falkner b) Informal e-mails Sample prompt Caroline, a French girl you met last summer on a two-week English course in Somerset, has written an e-mail to say that she will be visiting Austria on holiday in August. You answer with an informal e-mail. In your informal e-mail you should • describe places she should see, • comment on the most important sights, • suggest a meeting. Write around 200 words. Useful language Greetings Hi/Hello, … Dear Caroline, … Dear all, … Beginning Great/Nice to hear from you again … Many thanks for your e-mail … Ending Looking forward to your reply. Hope to hear from you soon. All the best, … Best wishes, … 145 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv