Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

W Writing guide E-mails  Page 23 a) Formal e-mails Sample prompt You have read the following advertisement on the internet. High school exchange in Canada! Gain real-world experience spending the winter term as a student at a Canadian high school. Western Ontario International High School is a private secondary school, which creates the ideal programme to suit your personal interests. We organise courses, accommodation and flights for you. For further information, write an e-mail to assistant principal Mr. Frank Schwartz ( In your formal e-mail you should • explain why you are interested, • ask for information about the school, accommodation and application deadline, • suggest ways of getting into contact with you. Write around 200 words. Useful language Greetings Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms, … Dear Sir/Madam, … Dear Sir or Madam, … Note: We do not punctuate titles like “Mr”, “Mrs” or “Ms” in British English. In American English, however, you need to add a full stop after any abbreviated title: Ms Smith is waiting outside. (BE) Ms. Smith is waiting outside. (AE) “Ms” should always be used when addressing a woman whose marital status you don’t know. Reasons for writing I came across your posting on the internet … I am writing regarding/to ask … Thank you very much for your e-mail … I am writing in reply to your e-mail of 26 September … Body of the e-mail First/Furthermore/Next/Finally I would like to know … I would be grateful if you could tell me … I wonder if you could tell me … Attached you will find … Ending Thank you very much in advance. I am looking forward to your reply. I (very much) look forward to hearing from you. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Very formal: Yours faithfully, … (if you begin your letter with “Dear Sir/Madam”) Yours sincerely, … (if you begin your letter with e.g. “Dear Ms Cave”) Less formal: Kind regards, … /Best regards, … /Best wishes, … 1 144 Writing guide Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv