Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

10 Conditional clauses Type 1 conditional clauses: Talking about probable conditions a) Have a look at the poster “Get out your favourite texts and have them published!” on page 136 again and underline all the sentences with if. b) Write sentences for the situations below using the conditional 1. 1. Rachel – get the new Detective Bishop novel for her birthday • I – borrow it from her 2. I – write a review for an online community • I – like the book 3. My mother – go to the cinema to see the new Dan Brown movie • the reviews in the newspaper – be good 4. Emma – not return the book to the library in time • she – have to pay an extra fee 5. You – not start with the book report today • it – not be ready on Monday c) Imagine you want to take part in the Young Poets of the Year Competition. Make sentences using the conditional 1. Talk about: • What can/should you do if you want to take part in the competition? • What might your friends and family say if you take part? Grammar For more details see  G 11 Expressing conditions If-clause Main clause Type 0 conditional clauses if + present simple present simple Type 1 conditional clauses if + present simple “will” future Type 2 conditional clauses if + past simple would/could/might + infinitive Type 3 conditional clauses if + past perfect would/could/might + have + past participle Type 0: If you mix yellow and blue, you get green. (This is a fact, it is generally true.) Type 1: If Martin comes too, there will be four of us. (This will probably happen.) We’ll get there on time if we leave right now. Type 2: If you told me what you wanted, I could help you. (This is not very likely but possible.) What would you do if you won the lottery? Type 3: If Suzy had fallen from those rocks, she would have broken her leg. (The situation is over, it cannot happen any more.) They would have taken Spanish classes if their school had had a Spanish teacher. Remember: No will/would in the if-clause! No comma before the if-clause! G 1 138 Books Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv