Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

0 What kind of online writing is usually not paid? writing personal blogs ✔ 1 What can you usually win in writing contests? 2 When should you not take part in a writing competition? 3 Why do some musicians and authors choose to publish their work themselves? 4 Why should writers let other people read their texts before sending them off? 5 What might happen if writers do not follow the guidelines set up by a publishing house? b) Have a look at the text again and find the words which match the definitions below. 1. apart from, except: beyond 2. engaged in an activity as a paid occupation: 3. a prize or trophy: 4. financial support given to a student to pay for the cost of education: 5. group of people judging a competition: 6. payment required to take part in a contest: 7. unfair action in order to get an advantage: 8. having high status: 9. to check for errors: 10. to present something to another person for review or decision: c) With a partner, close your books and review the tips on page 136 briefly in your own words. d) Internet project: Visit some of the online publishers for young writers and have a look at the texts shown there. If you especially like a particular text, bring it to class! e) Scan this page with the QuickMedia app and watch the video. Then do the extra tasks. Your turn: Write your own poem! In her poem “Down in the Greenhouse” on page 135, Flora Thomas narrates a little story connected to her family’s greenhouse. a) On the basis of this poem try to write your own poem telling a story connected to one of your favourite places. Choose a location yourself or have a look at the suggestions below. under the roof in the park in my secret corner in the garden in the library on the football pitch b) If you want to, have your own poetry competition in class. Appoint a jury, submit your entries and have a public reading of the winners! t v05 5 137 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv