Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

Goals • Discuss books and comment on them. • Analyse book genres. • Express advantages and disadvantages of various media. • Describe possible and imaginary future or past events. A book to the film OR a film to the book? a) Do you know a film version of any of the books shown on page 130? b) Do you prefer reading a book or watching a film? Give reasons. c) Is there a film version of a book you know? What are the differences and/or similarities between the book and the film? 2 Useful phrases Comparing books with films The film is almost the same as the book. • I think the book was much more exciting than the movie. • I didn’t imagine that the main character would look like … . • All in all the film/book was much … . • I certainly prefer watching a film to reading a book. • A book appeals to the reader’s imagination. • There were more details in the book than in the film. P Ari, the boy in this novel in verse, is bullied for being overweight. His mother is also insisting that he gets on a diet, even as his parents’ marriage is ending. But through it all, Ari finds new friends and a way to view his body in a more positive manner. Chase wakes up in the hospital after falling off a roof and doesn’t remember anything – including his name. When he gets back to school, he sees how the kids react to him. Some kids worship him and other kids are terrified of him. So he begins to ask himself who he was and who he wants to be. Phil Knight tells the story of the creation of his now famous company, Nike, from his initial disappointment at being cut from the basketball team to the risks and setbacks of building a global brand. 131 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv