Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

7. Wanyanga from Kenya wants to work on her pronunciation. For her it is not only important to speak good English, she also wants to sound like a person from the US. But it’s not easy to concentrate on your pronunciation while speaking. So she often records her own voice. “I have an app on my smartphone to do that. See, it’s really easy. I’m actually recording this right now. Just press the red button and you’re ready to go.” 8. Carlos from Bolivia uses another trick to improve his pronunciation. He dictates his texts (e.g. his homework) into his word processor on the computer and the transcript tells then him where he needs to work on his pronunciation. “This is a fantastic way to get better at English. I have learned so much more since I use this method.” b) Add your own learning tip here and present it to the class. Grammar For more details see  G 1 Present forms • Use the present simple to talk about regular events (e.g. general routines), facts (e.g. natural laws), general descriptions (e.g. typical qualities) and present events. Signal words: every day, every week, always, often, sometimes, never, regularly, usually, … On Saturdays I always get up at seven o’clock. (routine) The earth circles around the sun in 365 days. (fact) The robber opens the door and walks into the bank. (present event) • Use the present progressive to describe something that is happening at the moment when you speak. Signal words: now, right now, just now, at the moment, … I can’t help you because I am talking on the phone. (happening now) G Finding present tense forms a) Find the present tense forms (simple and progressive) in the text “English study tips” above and underline them in two different colours. b) Highlight the signal words also in the colours of the respective tense form. c) Explain which sentences describe regular events or facts and which events are happening at the moment. Using the present tense forms Look at the pictures and write down a paragraph about each of them. Use the present simple and the present progressive forms like in the text above (“English study tips”). • What are the people doing right now? • What do they do regularly? • Compare your own habits with what you can see in the pictures. 4 5 13 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv