Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

lost drivers in the outback. Knowing how to spend a few nights under the stars could mean the difference between life and death. The first thing to do is light a fire as a signal, but be careful not to start a bush fire. “And all drivers should have a guide to bush plants you can eat,” said Pascoe. “But my advice is: Tell people where you are going. The outback is a big place. A beautiful place, but not somewhere where you get many second chances.” (The Sunday Times; adapted) 0 The Savannah Way a) is 2,500 kilometres long. b) links the north and south of Australia. c) goes through the outback. ✘ d) goes from the east to the north. 1 Driving in the outback is a risk because a) Aboriginals don’t help people in the outback. b) dangerous animals may attack. c) it is easy to get lost when you stay on the main roads. d) it gets so hot. 2 The people who get into trouble a) are often from the area. b) sometimes die of cold. c) are always visitors. d) are often trapped. 3 If your car breaks down in the outback, you should a) use the stars to find your way. b) not leave it. c) not start a fire. d) walk by night and sleep during the day. 4 Before you go into the outback it is important to a) inform people via Facebook where you are. b) prepare for a long trip on foot. c) tell people your route. d) eat as many bush plants as you can. Sylvia’s new job Put in let, make or have in the correct form and fill in the missing relative pronouns (who, which/that). My name’s Sylvia, and I’ve just started working at a small beach cafe 1 is very close to home. Our boss is OK. He 2 us take food home with us sometimes, but he 3 us wear these uniforms 4 look really stupid. Carrie, the other waitress, is really nice. When I forget my mobile, she 5 me borrow hers. There’s a cook here, too, 6 makes all the salads, but our boss 7 the pizzas delivered from an Italian restaurant. We get all kinds of customers. There’s the mum 8 tells her kids, ‘‘I’ll 9 you have ice-cream if you eat up your salad first.” And there are a few horrible people like the guy 10 nearly made me cry yesterday. But I 11 him wait a long time for his food! Then I dropped a plate of spaghetti on the floor. Of course my boss 12 me clean up the mess. He was so furious! ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➄ I can read straightforward factual texts on subjects related to my interest with a satisfactory level of comprehension. (B1) 4 40 45 129 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv