Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

9 The Stolen Generations On 13 February 2008 the Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd officially apologised to the Stolen Generations of Australian natives. Between 1910 and 1971 more than 100,000 children were taken from their Aboriginal families and handed over to white foster parents or state-run institutions to bring them up – with the aim of completely assimilating these “Stolen Generations” into white society. Many of these children were abused and mistreated in their new homes. Many were even told that they had no parents any more. Today the Australian public tries to admit that these policies were wrong and have led to misery and despair among the Australian indigenous population. Language in use: Indigenous Australians Read the text about native Australians. Some words are missing. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for each gap (1–9). Put a cross ( ✘ ) in the correct box. The first one (0) has been done for you. The first native Australians … 0 on the continent about 50,000 years ago. They came from Asia and … 1 the sea to get to Australia. They have lived on this continent ever … 2 . However, when the first European … 3 arrived in 1788, they brought along … 4 which nearly wiped out the native population. Their numbers … 5 until the 1930s. Since then, however, they have … 6 again to the level of the 18th century. Another aspect was the national population … 7 . Between 1910 and 1971 many indigenous Australian children were … 8 from their families to separate them from their background and their culture. The plan was to bring them up like white Australians. However, this programme was not successful and just … 9 to endless misery and despair among the native population. 0 came arrived ✘ have arrived were coming 1 were crossing crossing have crossed cross 2 then since from for 3 cedars settlements settlers sediments 4 disuse diseased diseases crooks 5 declined declared deceived disclaimed 6 risen rise rose rising 7 politician politics political policy 8 regained removed remained reminded 9 lead led lied loaded Research: The indigenous population of Australia Do some further research on the indigenous population of Australia and make a one-page handout with the most important aspects of their history and their culture. Use pictures and other visuals for the layout of your information sheet. 1 Tip • Read the whole text before you start ticking the answers. • Make sure that your answer has the right meaning and the correct form. T A B/ C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D 2 t 122 Australia Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv