Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

1 How to learn English a) In the following text the subheadings are missing. Choose the right ones from the headlines below and write them in the spaces provided. There is one headline you should not use. Play English games with friends or online Quickly review important new information shortly before going to bed Underline sentences Read English books for your level Organise your materials Watch English language films with English subtitles Make a plan of what you want to learn every week Record your own voice Use computer dictation to improve your pronunciation Here are a number of English study tips by other learners to help you improve your English. Choose a few of them to get started today! 1. Akilah from Egypt asks herself every week what she wants to learn. That way she stops and thinks for a moment about what is most important to her at that point. “If you take a moment to stop and set a goal for yourself every week, you will notice the progress you are making,” Akilah says. To keep a record of her progress she has started a learning diary where she collects all her plans and ideas. 2. For Andrus from Estonia being organised is one of his priorities. “I keep everything in folders,” he explains. “That way I can find things quickly. I even have a folder on my computer where I keep all the texts I have read on the internet.” He regularly goes through his materials before he starts working on a project. Right now he is browsing through his folders to prepare a presentation on backpacking. 3. Ricarda from Switzerland regularly goes over a grammar topic or reading exercise shortly before she goes to sleep. She tells us, “At the moment I’m thinking about the topic I’ll review today. I think I’ll have a look at the tenses. This learning method is really effective because scientists have found out that our brains work on information that is fresh while we sleep.” 4. Matti from Finland has a lot of opportunities to listen to English in his free time because English films are usually not dubbed there. That means you hear the voices of the original actors. Matti is quite happy about that. “I love to hear the actors’ original voices like in that movie I’m watching right now. I also pick up a lot of English that way. Subtitles help me to understand the bits that are too difficult for me.” 5. Sveta from Bosnia loves reading. Recently, she has started reading English books. She knows very well how to pick the books that are appropriate for her level of English. “There are many publishers which produce books for English learners. Take this website, for example. I’m browsing through books for level B1 at the moment. Some books are original, others are made a bit simpler. That way, reading English books is fun because I understand almost everything! And I can read much faster.” 6. Jean from Luxembourg reads a lot – in books or online. His study tip is, “Whenever I come across a new word or phrase I underline or write down the whole sentence and try to remember it that way. After a few days I go back to the texts I have read and look through my notes again. Just now I am going through a text about the Paralympics, which I read three days ago.” 3 12 The world speaks English Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv