Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

9 were doing to me. From the day we met, you moved in and started changing me. New hair style, a dress you stole off your mother. But they were just things. What you did inside my head changed me a lot more.” There was no holding back now. I shouted at her, as I let go all the frustration and fear I’d bottled up over the weeks. “I don’t understand how you can just throw it back in our faces now. Anything we’ve ever done was because we cared about you!” “Cared about me as long as I was the good little black girl, yes. But when I step out of line, start telling you things you don’t want to know, you turn on me quick enough.” And with that, she stormed away through the crowd which parted quickly to let her pass. (From: James Moloney, Angela; adapted and abridged) Questions on and beyond the text a) What exactly makes Gracey so angry? b) How does Angela feel about it? c) Angela makes three mistakes. What are they? d) Whose feelings can you understand better – Gracey’s or Angela’s? Why? e) Have you ever said something to someone – and just seconds later wished you hadn’t? If so, what made you regret saying it? Listening: Understanding Angela a) You are going to listen to a recording about discrimination. First you will have 45 seconds to study the task below, then you will hear the recording twice. While listening, answer the questions (1–6) using a maximum of four words. Write your answers in the spaces provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. 0 Where is the scene set which one of the boys regards as typical of discrimination? in a shopping mall ✔ 1 Why did not a single salesperson pay any attention to one of the boys? 2 How did the boy feel in that situation? 3 How would he have been treated if he had worn nice clothes and short hair? 4 What was one of the things with which Angela tried to help Gracey? 5 Why does one of the boys think that Angela cannot really help Gracey? 6 How did Angela feel when she realised that she had made a mistake? b) What examples of discrimination are mentioned? c) Do you agree with what they say about Gracey’s and Angela’s characters? Why? Why not? 2 3 c33 95 100 105 118 Australia Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv