Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

8 Crime and suspense Thrillers: My experience a) Have you ever watched a thriller/crime series or read a crime story? Write down a film or book title you know or invent one for each category. Rank the film/book from 1 to 5 stars. Title Stars Film Book b) In class, talk about the titles from your list. Which series/novels are highly recommended? Word formation: Suffixes – Crime a) Complete the following table. Choose the endings from the tip box. The crime (noun) The criminal (noun) The criminal action (verb) act of terrorism to terrorise arsonist to set fire to attack to attack blackmail blackmailer to bribery briber to bribe burglary burglar to conspirator to conspire crime to commit a crime drug dealing to deal in drugs fraud to defraud hooligan – kidnapper to kidnap killer to kill mugging to mug murder to murder offender to offend rape to rape robber to rob theft (pl.: thieves) to steal (high) treason to betray sexual abuse abuser to shoplifting to shoplift/steal smuggle to smuggle vandalism vandal to Word bank police detective • police officer • private eye • private detective • detective chief inspector (DCI) • sheriff • plainclothes officer • police woman (WPC) • cop (coll., AE) • bobby (coll., BE) • sergeant • special agent • spy W 1 2 110 Crime and suspense Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv