Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

Adverbial clauses Rewrite the two sentences in each line by using adverbial clauses. 1. It was a rainy evening. • Alison did not want to go out. 2. She had a little snack for dinner. • She watched the news on crime. 3. She didn’t enjoy the food. • She thought of her last conversation with Samuel, her boyfriend. 4. She felt worried. • He was so cold and somewhat distracted. Rewriting a text Read the short text below and rewrite it using adverbial clauses and linking words. The conjunctions in the grammar box above will help you. It was eleven o’clock. She wanted to go to bed. She turned on the light in the hall to go upstairs. She heard a strange noise outside the door. She remembered that she had locked the front door. She was frightened. She saw that the door handle was pressed down. Somebody wanted to enter the house. She ran upstairs. She wanted to phone the police. The line was dead. She looked out of the window. She saw a red sports car in the driveway … To be continued Continue the story and find a suitable ending. Use adverbial clauses where appropriate. 3 4 5 Grammar For more details see  G 9 Adverbial clauses Adverbial clauses express time, place, reason and condition. They are often used to make a text more lively and more entertaining and they help you to improve your style. Adverbial clauses are a common feature of story writing. • Adverbial phrase: in the rain • Adverbial clause: When it was raining … . Conjunctions help you to link the adverbial clause with the rest of the sentence and help you to organise your ideas in a logical way. Typical conjunctions Time Place Reason Condition as soon as, since, before, after, while, when where because, as, for, (al)though if, unless G 109 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv