Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

Short stories Short stories often start in an unusual way (right in the middle of the action) and contain a turning point. Typically there is an open ending. Look at “Deportation at breakfast” again and see which story elements you can identify. Complete the grid. Story element Notes on the text or examples Beginning Plot Characterisation Setting (Where and when does the story happen?) Perspective (Who tells the story?) Turning point (Where does the line of the story change?) Ending Passive voice Without looking at the text again, fill in the correct passive forms. 1. A green-and-white awning was over the door, where the name “Clara’s” 1 (write). 2. The menu 2 (print) on a chalkboard. 3. Only two tables 3 (occupy). 4. He 4 (dress) immaculately. 5. The name “Javier” 5 (stitch) on his shirt. 6. My toast had popped up, but it 6 (not brown). 5 6 107 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv