Prime Time 5, Schulbuch

1 Listening: Just another pizza order in Manhattan a) You are going to listen to a recording from a US radio show. First you will have 45 seconds to study the task below, then you will hear the recording twice. While listening, choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for each question (1–5). Put a cross ( ✘ ) in the correct box. The first one (0) has been done for you. 3 c01 0 What is the name of the radio show? a) Believe It Show b) Our Believe It Show c) Believe It d) Believe It or Not ✘ 1 What does Dale order? a) a salami pizza and three beers b) two salami pizzas and one beer c) one salami pizza and two beers d) one salami pizza and one beer 2 How long will Dale have to wait? a) twenty minutes b) two to three minutes c) more than twenty minutes d) thirty minutes or more 3 When Dale does not get what he wants, he wants to a) call the manager and complain. b) walk over and talk to the manager only. c) talk to Steve alone. d) go to the pizza service and talk to both Steve and the manager. 4 Why can’t Dale go over and talk to Steve? a) Because he does not know where Steve is in Manhattan. b) Because Steve is in a call centre in Manhattan three blocks down from where Dale lives. c) Because the call centre is in Asia. d) Because Steve would lose his job. 5 The call centre is in Bangalore because a) people there can use English names. b) they use computer systems and no telephones. c) it is not as expensive to run a call centre there as in the US. d) Steve is a good business man. b) Explain why this is a story about “languages in use”. c) Comment on what you have heard. Is this situation realistic? Explain. Tip • Read the questions and all the options carefully. • To find the right option, first rule out the one you know is wrong. Then choose the best remaining answer. • If you have to guess the answer, tick the one which is most logical. • If you have no idea which answer is correct, tick any answer. You should not leave a single question unanswered. T 10 The world speaks English Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv