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78 ‘Why seasonal food is better for you and the planet’, Newground, 25 August 2015, http://www. newground.co.uk/news-events-media/knowledge-centre/whyseasonal-food-is-better-for-you-and-the-planet/ (adapted) Pictures 4 bubaone / Getty Images - iStockphoto; 5 ljubaphoto / Getty Images - iStockphoto; 6 FilippoBacci / Getty Images; 7 g-stockstudio / Getty Images - iStockphoto; 8 Phynart Studio / Getty Images - iStockphoto; 10 ismagilov / Getty Images - iStockphoto; 12 mediaphotos / Getty Images - iStockphoto; 13 ozgurdonmaz / Getty Images - iStockphoto; 14 Austrian Archives (Ö) / brandstaetter images / picturedesk.com; 17 Museum Of Bad Art (MOBA); 18 Dmitrijs Dmitrijevs / Thinkstock; 20 Adam Silye; 22 AlexLMX / Thinkstock; 23 SolStock / Getty Images - iStockphoto; 25 monkeybusinessimages / Getty Images - iStockphoto; 27 photojournalis / Getty Images - iStockphoto; 29 Stockbyte / Thinkstock; 30 Acemason / Getty Images; 32 daniel_wiedemann / Getty Images - iStockphoto; 33.1 sodapix sodapix / Thinkstock; 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