7 Relative clauses – contact clauses Read what Rose, Lizzie’s mother, says about Kim’s new Facebook friend and cross out the relative pronouns you don’t need. LANGUAGE 5 Topic vocabulary: Describing personality Find eleven more personality adjectives in the word grid. Write them on the lines below. LANGUAGE 6 J QFYCHEERFULSBJ KSMCSQTYEQYODOY S O L F T J D Z A D T F L S X LDTMZEZSSGI I K S A Q C O I E A T Y Y J J T D Y N ZKURYLVMGXGGI E N FAGTMODPOAXGMZO B M H E M U S A I E V E P H Y KREWYSVTNWHROI I S E L F I S H H G D I E L J N C YVWBRMEMWZ T I E G D E N E R G E T I C R F T P R Y J I U Q L N I T Z V F E Y N ZMQCDMVCRGNDUQF P C D Y P B R I Y S R I O V R “I think I know the girl who Kim’s been chatting with online because I know her parents. She’s actually quite nice. Our boss owns the house which her parents are renting. Her father is the researcher who won the contract with our hospital. What’s the name of the bridge which you use to walk into town? That’s where they live. You can tell Marc that Kim should be OK because I know the family, which is really amazing. What a small world!” 1 tough 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv