31 Now read the following sentences about the story and decide if they are true or false. 1 The princess didn’t really want to kill the deer. true / false 2 The young man was responsible for protecting the woods. true / false 3 The princess went straight home after meeting the strange young man. true / false 4 The crocodiles were planning to eat a meal together with the princess. true / false 5 The crocodiles couldn’t trust the princess. true / false 6 The princess had broken the curse by speaking to the young man. true / false 7 There was a week-long party for their marriage. true / false Synonyms Look for words in the text that mean the same as the expressions below. 1 suddenly surprised: 2 made to look different: 3 straight away, immediately: 4 a grassy area: 5 filled with unpleasant creatures: 6 a fight: 7 fooled: 8 under a bad spell: 9 said ‘yes’ to: 10 to get ready: Revision: Gerunds Complete the sentences with an expression from the box in the correct form, then highlight the gerund following it. avoid be worth dislike enjoy keep recommend regret stop 1 The princess wouldn’t trying to kill the deer. 2 The prince letting the deer live as it was really a tiger. 3 The princess didn’t helping the young man as she married him later. 4 “Come on, crocodiles! lining up!” called the princess. 5 The clever princess getting eaten by the crocodiles. 6 The crocodiles being beaten by the princess. 7 “I think I’m going to living happily ever after with you!” sighed Prince Kemang. 8 For the princess, it listening to a talking tree! 9 LANGUAGE 10 LANGUAGE 11 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv