way2go! 6, Schulbuch

94 What inventions and discoveries do the unit title and the points in the pink box make you think of? Make a list and share it with a partner. Then discuss how and why these inventions and discoveries have changed our world. Compare the nature of a human being (e.g. emotional, warm, … ) to the nature of an AI-powered robot (rational, strong, …). Discuss whether a human or an AI-powered robot would be more helpful in the following situations: SPEAKING 1 2 a b Unit 07 Bigger, better, faster, stronger In this unit you will: learn more about your body get help from a doctor consider the pros and cons of self-driving cars speculate how AI will change our future Think of more situations in which either a robot or a human being might be helpful. Give reasons for your choices. c a c b d e f g k j i h r q p l m n o a picking out a nice outfit b improving your grades at school c moving to a new house or flat d helping you when you are ill e travelling to a foreign country f cheering you up when you’re feeling down Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv