way2go! 5, Schulbuch

97 Discuss the following questions with a partner: 1 How can participating in (organised) sports give you self-confidence? 2 How might sports be a reason for lower self-confidence? 3 What other reasons can you think of why people do or don’t do sports? SPEAKING 9 Have a mini-discussion of about three minutes with a partner. Roll the dice and find your topic below. Before you start, decide who argues for “more” and who for “less”. 1 Team sports are more/less challenging than individual sports. 2 Indoor sports are more/less attractive than outdoor sports. 3 Fitness apps make doing sports more/less exciting. 4 Sporty students enjoy PE lessons more/less than students who are not sporty. 5 Doing sports at school is more/less motivating than doing sports with the family. 6 Watching sports events is more/less interesting than doing sports. Choose one of the topics from exercise 10 and write a PEEL paragraph about it. See PEEL, p. 37. 10 Ideas to consider: Support your opinion with good examples and reasons. For instance: What kind of team sports do you know? What makes them more or less challenging? Why do you think so? WRITING 11 Statements T F First four words 0 The author doesn’t mind being watched. Practically speaking, that means 1 As a child, she was too shy to ask for candy at Halloween. 2 The author’s parents got her to start doing sports. 3 The boys in her soccer team treated her with care. 4 She was aggressive and determined from the start. 5 She always trained very hard in order to be successful. 6 Drug abuse is a big problem amongst girls who do sports. 7 Sports give the author a feeling of power. I wish it were easier. I actually hate exercising. But I love the feeling after. The sense of accomplishment. Overcoming the pain and fatigue. Pushing yourself beyond what you thought you were capable of. Not giving up. The way you do one thing is the way you will do all things. And when you exercise, you become more in tune with your body. You can feel yourself getting stronger. It affects your posture, your gait. You feel like an athlete, a warrior, powerful. That’s swagger. So start running, do Pilates, try P90X, take a kickboxing or ballet class. Run faster, be aggressive, go after it. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv