way2go! 5, Schulbuch

91 Revision: Mixed tenses Complete the blog post with the verbs in brackets in the correct form (present simple, past simple or present perfect simple). LANGUAGE 20 My favourite trend or fad in this unit is … Something I understand better after this unit is … Looking back: Complete the way2go! learning portfolio for Unit 06 (online code 73k2kg). j.arnold Learn to accept yourself I (1) (decide) that looks won’t matter to me anymore. Believe me, I never thought that I could feel this way, but then I found someone who (2) (understand) me, and it completely changed my life. I certainly (3) (not be) a ‘pretty’ child. I’ve always felt my head is too big for my body, my arms are too skinny and my teeth are crooked. It (4) (be) tough back then – you know how mean young kids can be to each other sometimes. And I see now that because of that, I (5) (seem) terribly self-conscious when I was younger. I really (6) (feel) like people were staring at me and laughing behind my back. I was embarrassed and couldn’t stop thinking about the way I (7) (look). But guess what? A few months ago, I (8) (get) to know this girl called Melanie who (9) (start) a great blog called ‘Learning to accept yourself’. She regularly (10) (write) about her journey to body neutrality and has attracted quite a following. Because of her, I (11) (realise) that you really shouldn’t spend your whole life worrying about things you can’t change. Now I (12) (understand) that I am more than my body, and that I need to stop judging myself based on my appearance. I am worthy of respect and love just as I (13) (be). So, guys, I’m sharing the message here … be proud of how you (14) (look)! Own your crooked teeth, skinny body or big feet. I’m telling you, you (15) (not need) to think about cosmetic surgery, and you certainly don’t need to hide yourself away like I (16) (do) as a young kid. Are you avoiding people because you have no self-confidence? Make sure you get out there and have the life you deserve. reply Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv