way2go! 5, Schulbuch

90 Unit 06 | All the rage Discuss the following questions with a partner. 1 How did Barbie see herself before she became a model? How did other people treat her? 2 What has changed since she became a model? 3 What is your opinion on Barbie’s message to girls? SPEAKING 17 Write a PEEL paragraph in favour of or against the following idea: Everyone should be able to wear whatever they feel comfortable in. WRITING 18 Topic vocabulary: Fashion and trends Unscramble the words to complete the word maps. LANGUAGE 19 (1) causal (opp. smart) (3) tgith (opp. loose/baggy) (7) dsiegnre lblae (6) crltaefoobm (2) sortyp (opp. elegant) (9) it mtcheas your … (5) canel (opp. dirty) (10) it fsti you (11) it susit you (4) tnor talking about clothes (8) cofrloluu must-have or just a fad? hip (1) the lttsea trend to be a trendsetter fashionable (3) stilyhs to be out to be in (2) tyrnde (4) a trend tsdwoar sth. to go out of fashion/style in fashion out of fashion (7) unshfaionleab (5) people udes to do it old-fashioned (6) a trend aayw from sth. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv