way2go! 5, Schulbuch

84 Unit 06 | All the rage The present perfect Read the article in exercise 3 again. Underline all examples of the present perfect you can find. If you need more information on Present perfect, go to Grammar revisited, p. 166. Here are the four main ideas you can express using the present perfect. Put the examples you have underlined in the correct categories. LANGUAGE 5 a b Change: You want to say that things are (not) different now than they were in the past. … people’s ideas of the latest … Duration: You want to say how long something has existed up to now. Since then jeans … Experience: All the things you have (not) seen or done up to now. You have probably … Recentness: You want to say something has just happened, not a long time ago. Have you … ? 1 I haven’t worn a skirt for years. 2 He hasn’t changed his clothes for days. 3 He hasn’t worn any formal clothes since the wedding. 4 Clothes like these haven’t been fashionable since the 1980s. The present perfect is frequently used with the words for and since. Read the examples below. What is so tricky about these words for German speakers? 6 a Listen to three short descriptions of trends. Listen for the verb forms the speaker is using and then complete this sentence: 7 15 You can use the to begin a statement. It connects the past to the present for your audience. You then use the to give more details. Research the history of a trend or fashion item on the internet. Then write a description of it. In your description you should: say when, where and why it was popular explain how it has changed over the years describe what it is like today Write around 200 words. WRITING 8 Circle all the expressions below that often go with the present perfect. Then use them to write sentences. b already yesterday just sometimes recently at the moment ever next year lately never so far every day regularly yet up to now In American English, the past simple is used much more than in British English, especially with words like already, just or yet. Example: I have already put on my shoes, so I’m ready to go! Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv