way2go! 5, Schulbuch

81 Looking back – planning ahead Now is a good time to look back on your English learning so far and update your plans for the rest of the year. Start by looking at your learning portfolio again. Is it up-to-date? The portfolio will be a great help answering the following questions. Talk about your answers with a partner and ask your teacher for support if necessary. STRATEGIES 27 a 1 What are the things you can do well? Do you feel most confident writing texts? Is it easy for you to understand texts you read or hear? Is speaking most fun? 2 Which areas do you need to improve in? Do you make too many mistakes? Should you spend more time studying new words? Is it difficult for you to use a range of tenses? 3 Maybe it’s time you tried something new? What about introducing regular study sessions with a friend? Or recording the phrasal verbs from this unit and listening to them while going for a walk? Decide on one activity you want to do to improve your English. What do you want to do when and where? How is it going to help you? Try something like “I’m going to spend five minutes after dinner every day studying English words with the list in the coursebook,” or “I’m going to write one English text every week on a topic that interests me.” Revision: Phrasal verbs Complete the sentences with phrasal verbs in the correct tense. They can all be found on pp. 72/73. b LANGUAGE 28 I can improve my presentations by … My favourite way to communicate is … Looking back: Complete the way2go! learning portfolio for Unit 05 (online code 73k2kg). Lizzie: Hey Fiona! (1) a minute, I need to talk to you. Fiona: Sure, but be quick, I’ve (2) preparing for my presentation for too long already. Lizzie: Could you (3) Tom’s number on your mobile? I forgot to (4) it , and he’s my partner for tomorrow. Fiona: I’ll text it to you. Good luck with Tom; he’s a bit hard to (5) as a partner. Just (6) pushing him, then everything will (7) fine. Lizzie: Thanks for the tip, I’ll (8) what he’s like when we work together. Yesterday was a really bad day for Mohammed. His bike (9) , so he had to walk to the nearest bus station. When he (10) the bus in the city centre, he still had to (11) how to get home later. He tried to call his mum, but he was (12) several times because reception was poor. Finally, he managed to (13) and asked her to (14) him at the bus stop. But she was too busy, so she told him to walk and (15) on him. What a day! Samira and Tim quarrelled last night and (16) . That’s bad news because I’m in a study group with them. I hope our project will (17) fine once they (18) again. Otherwise, I’ll have to (19) alone. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv