way2go! 5, Schulbuch

78 Unit 05 | Reach out! Before you study the task below, go to the Writing coach, p. 174. In pairs, discuss how a report is different from the text types email and blog. Read the prompt and the ideas in the box. WRITING 23a b You have just given a presentation on a pop star, but it didn’t go that well. To make up for it, your English teacher has asked you to write a report about the presentation and suggest what you can do better next time. In your report you should: say why you chose a certain pop star as your topic (1) explain why your presentation didn’t go well (2) suggest how you can make it better (3) Divide your report into sections and give them headings. Write around 200 words. Brainstorm ideas for the content points or use the ideas below: (1) Y ou liked the pop star and you thought your classmates would like her/him too … (2) T he pop star wasn’t as popular as you thought … /You presented the wrong song …/ The equipment didn’t work … (3) C hoose a star everybody likes. Also, check the equipment first. Now write a report using the parts below. They will help you to organise your report properly. c From: [your name] Subject: My presentation on [name of pop star] Date: Introduction In this report I’d like to give some details on my presentation on … from 15 January 20.. and suggest how it can be improved next time. Reasons for my choice of topic (1) As I am really into pop music, I decided to … . / She/He has been quite popular recently, so I thought my classmates might be interested in learning more about her/him … Problems that came up (2) Unfortunately, my presentation did not work out the way I expected … The main problem was that the equipment … It also turned out that my classmates were not really interested … Ideas for improvement (3) Next time I give a presentation on a pop star, I’ll certainly make sure that everybody has heard about her/him before. Therefore, I’ll ask around before I decide which pop star to present … Also, I’ll check before class if the speakers are working so I can then play a song to illustrate … Write another report about a presentation that wasn’t perfect. Then check whether your report is organised the same way as the sample report in the Writing coach, p. 175. 24 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv